Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 1 16-08-2006 , 07:09 PM
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SMers, what do you think of this?


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 2:39 am Post subject: Reply with quote
with the egm dvd there making im assuming they wont be making any new training dvds for maya although you could also check at ************************ or those are right off the bat dont buy a simply maya tutorial there 2 expensive and i also guess you could buy a dvd from 3d-palace and convert it with maya cuz the tools are kinda the same anyway id go with digital-tutors i purchased some of thier dvds thier fun to work with try the android one here i baught this one it also goes through rendering and texturing i hope you found this post useful Smile

its a reply from a thread in the forums of 3d palace. any (violent) reactions lol?

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# 2 16-08-2006 , 07:26 PM
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Well its someone who has no grasp of grammer at all!

Its someones opinion, some people might agree, some might not.

# 3 16-08-2006 , 07:44 PM
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Originally posted by gster123
Well its someone who has no grasp of grammer at all!

Its someones opinion, some people might agree, some might not.

yea but what about your opinion? ;p

~The Computer Is A Moron~
# 4 17-08-2006 , 12:49 AM
esion's Avatar
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My opinion is that gnomon dvds are way more expensive than SM the guy doesnt know whats going on...there are a million ways to learn maya, books, dvds, classes, boards, practice, etc...

# 5 19-08-2006 , 04:32 PM
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Gnomon dvds may sound 'cool' but thats where it ends, in a nutshell they arent giving you a tute as such, more like a quick flash ofwhat you can do with some fancy scripts and a scene that was set up earlier by some dude from ILM (no offence against ILM) but thats all they are, the price tag is there to probably pay for the ILM dude and give them an upmarket status. Most dudes who have got these Ive spoken to are or have been pretty disappointed

Even though Ive done 2 dvds for SM Im not being biased. Apart from 3dBuzz, Digital Tutors and here I dont think you'll find better tutes for Maya starting from A and ending at Z on the web as far as basics to fairly advanced modelling goes. Simply Maya give you a good basic heads up in alot of areas, yes granted a fair few ofthe tutes are modelling but hey so what!! I know there are guys on the forum that could do some damn good mel stuff to do for a dvd or even one for a quality MR DVD

As for 3d Buzz and DT they have a more all round series of stuff.

Money wise, I think in any tutorial that you find on here at SM or Buzz etc you get bang for your buck, all the people involved in the creation of the dvds are doing it from finding out through lots of love combined with months and years of experience to pretty much give it to the new guy to learn over night for next to nothing... the guy who thinks the stuff at SM is expensive is probably just a freeloader who runs pirated software and wants the world to owe him a living or hes an angry Gnomon dude who's just sulking because SM sells more dvds than he does, perhaps he should just take up stamp collecting, but I dont think gnomon will do him a dvd on that


# 6 20-08-2006 , 02:41 AM
relikz's Avatar
Registered User
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 157 the guy who thinks the stuff at SM is expensive is probably just a freeloader who runs pirated software and wants the world to owe him a living or hes an angry Gnomon dude who's just sulking because SM sells more dvds than he does, perhaps he should just take up stamp collecting, but I dont think gnomon will do him a dvd on that

wow lol. That's a strong impact .... pitty for the guy :p


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# 7 20-08-2006 , 03:00 AM
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Compared to other sites i think we really try to keep the prices down but at the same time give a lot more in the tuts.

I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination, knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the world. (Albert Einstein)
# 8 20-08-2006 , 03:53 AM
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wow, gnomon sound cool but that s where it ends?

i beg to differ.

just say its not for noobs.

i think if u buy the gnomon maya library, you dont need to go to school for computer graphics.

its the most indepth training available taught by people currently have a name for themselves in the industry.

i bought 1 gnomong training DVD a couple of years ago, and i still keep it as a reference material, just like i would do a good book.
it cost me 50$ for 2 DVD over 4hrs. the amount of knowledge is priceless.
its a simple matter of comparing.

you can buy and compare a modeling/texturing dvd for 40-50$ here maybe,
then compare to a DVD for 60$ at gnomon site.
not putting down the stuff on this site down. all good stuff.

Last edited by vladimirjp; 20-08-2006 at 03:57 AM.
# 9 20-08-2006 , 08:15 AM
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wOW Opiniong are starting to contradict now. But i like all of your points. You peple are masters after all

:attn: :p

~The Computer Is A Moron~
# 10 20-08-2006 , 08:31 AM
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well i just thought i would comment on dvds ...cause i own alot of SM and Digital tutors and Gnomon

I have to admit i like SM dvds and digital tutors

gnomon not so much. I have gotten 3 of theres and it is advanced work yes ..but even there beginning ones on nurbs and nurbs 2 and there third one with the car

just went into tell you how yyou would do it. they didnt have like a base image to start out with or this is how ..they just went into it ...i have watched the nurbs ones over and over and very hard to grasp for the beginner ...even though ..i figured intro to nurbs would be beginning lol

I do like SM tuts and digital tutors cause they start off and show you most or all of the techiques that you will need ...

alias i still consider myself still a tad new since only on my third model ..but that is my two cents ...

# 11 20-08-2006 , 08:43 AM
well i bought from both.. and i can say that the quality is less in the simplymaya imho.. the sound quality can especially be annoying you sometimes can't even hear what they say. Note that the really old gnomon dvds are very poor in video quality too..

Also i think SM focusses waaay to much on modelling only i mean teach the basics and have a few dvd's for them.. basically all SM dvd's are for modelling and texturing i think they should focus more on lighting, rendering all parts actually..

Also i think they should be timelapsed at certain parts it gets so boring after having watched somebody seen split a poly after the thousand time.. I would try to focus on the basics show what you need to do, explain the tools etc.

# 12 20-08-2006 , 01:31 PM
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I agree that SM does do a lot of modeling tuts and in some way is a bit more geared to the new users as thats usally what they want to learn first...

Also a good majority of are modeling tuts are over 2 years old and i know form my side i have improved so much since I produced them that the new batch are much better in technique and effiency.

As far as time lapes goes we have tried that before and did not go over as well as we hoped. Its hard for the tut makers to try and find a common ground to how much to show of one thing. Yes some areas are a bit repedative.. and the last few again of the new batch I have tried not to spend as much time on similar techniques to speed them up a bit but still make sure the veiwer knows how to handel everything.

On my Side of SimplyMaya:

I have been really working on improving my lighting and rendering as i am still primarly a modeler and texture guy. Over the last few months I am getting comfortable to be able to produce tuts in that area. Hopefully soon we will see a lot more areas being covered such as lighting and rendering.

I also want to do a lot more low poly projects as i have some really cool concepts idea's for characters, enviorments painting textures and some animation tuts

I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination, knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the world. (Albert Einstein)
# 13 21-08-2006 , 07:11 AM
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I have a couple of Gnomon dvds too, and am not impressed generally. After 7 years of Maya Im not really phased by them, even when I began Maya I wasn't overly impressed, now if you wereto show me a Zbrush dvd these days I wet my pants!! LOL

Thats quality in a nutshell.

Kurt, cool, good to see you getting into the rendering side of things now...


# 14 21-08-2006 , 07:28 AM

Originally posted by Jay

I have a couple of Gnomon dvds too, and am not impressed generally. After 7 years of Maya Im not really phased by them, even when I began Maya I wasn't overly impressed, now if you wereto show me a Zbrush dvd these days I wet my pants!! LOL

Thats quality in a nutshell.

Kurt, cool, good to see you getting into the rendering side of things now...


Really you did not like the zbrush dvd's ? I love the ones from Zack and Alex :bow:

# 15 21-08-2006 , 08:00 AM
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think Jay might mean wetting his pants in a good way!

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