Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 1 07-09-2006 , 11:47 AM
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Adobe and maya please

import Adobe Illustrator (ai)into maya problem,

I made a text with adobe and adobe illustrator it is a text(maya)
save it as ai file . When I import it into maya I can see the text.
should be looks like nurbs curve. but very empty scene. nothing visiable.
i turn nurbs curve on. i import it as illustrator adobe. all option r perfect,but no secene of maya text. do you know something. please say something.


# 2 07-09-2006 , 12:16 PM
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I haven't ever tried what you are doing, but when you open the scene in Maya, you might try going to "edit > select all". Reason I say that is that sometimes there IS geometry there, you just cannot see it because there is not texturing on it.

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# 3 07-09-2006 , 01:24 PM
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thanks for replay. but all Ai file from adoble you see them as a curve. you can not applay texture to curve. in this case. they appear as a nurbs curve , dosn,t matter what kind of shape you draw or you made it , when you import it to maya you see them as a curve. but i don,t see any curve. it is something to do with maya plugins. in window -prefe-plugins manager. there is something i need load it. but i.m not sue which one is that.

thanks for your replay

# 4 11-09-2006 , 10:57 PM
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when importing an illustrator file all it's really going to do is import your paths... if you convert your text to vector paths then maya will recognize it, otherwise it's just text. maya won't do anything with it.

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