Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 2
This course will look in the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. It's aimed at people that have some modeling experience in Maya but are having trouble with complex objects.
# 1 26-09-2006 , 03:21 PM
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Starting Tutorial

Hey everyone,

I don't know much about Maya... yet. I am teaching myself it in spare time as a hobby. I have downloaded a few of the free tutorials, but was wondering what modelling tutorials that people here thought are good ones to start spending money on. I don't want to waste a cent.

I was thinking about this Low Poly Modelling for Games one. Has anyone here done it? Would it be good for someone with slowly advancing skills?


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# 2 26-09-2006 , 05:04 PM
publicFunction's Avatar
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Try the Cartoon Dog, its a good starter for free.

From there its up to you. I found that the Digital Tutors Maya Basics DVD's were great for the absoulte beginner...

The Low Poly Game Character is kind of aimed for people wanting to go into gaming or low ploy modelling, but even now modellers will do high and low poly characters for gaming.

I would try the T-Rex DVD, Kurt does a good job and its basic enough for anyone to understand. Also look at the Alias Maya 7 Foundation book, it's a really good read and has a great feel to it.

Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
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# 3 26-09-2006 , 11:20 PM
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For what it's worth, I liked the "Pilot Girl" tutorial. I already knew quite a bit about Maya, but just the same it was a good tutorial which covered many aspects of modelling and used a semi-realistic character which IMO serves as a bridge between realistic modelling and more cartoony things.

Anyway, the choices are many but most will get you on your way!

"Ad astra per aspera..."
# 4 27-09-2006 , 09:51 PM
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i like the dragon tutorial taught alot of the tools .. and was just a fun all around project. .

# 5 30-09-2006 , 08:46 AM
13th_resident's Avatar
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there is alot of great stuff on this site. its just a matter of choosing. i think.

A pint of example is worth a gallon of advice!!
# 6 01-10-2006 , 08:21 AM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 49
Which ever of the tuts your looking at, be sure to make sure its for beginners, I have 6 years modelling experience, but am a total newbie to Maya, and found for completely starting new, stick with the beginners tuts to get used to the tools and how they work, modeling really isnt too hard, but finding your way through the many, many tools, options, displays in Maya can be the worst part!!:headbang: But in time, it gets very comfortable and you'll start getting very comfortable with the tools you use most.
By the way, as well as the free tuts here, there are many on the web that give nice short basics training on the tools. I also use a few good books that helped me a great deal in learning my way around Maya and helped me move onto to more and more complicated things. Dont get frustrated, just keep pluging away, and this forum is the greatest for helping out.

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