Introduction to Maya - Rendering in Arnold
This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
# 1 29-09-2006 , 07:40 AM
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Maya 8 (again!!)


I had to upgrade Maya as my university made the move to version 8 so any work that I did there would no longer work on my home computer. Maya 8 was delivered this morning and there is a distinct lack of paper based documentation! Maya 7 came in a sturdy box filled with reference books galore but Maya 8 arrived in a glorified DVD case with no books to accompany it. I know that the books contain the same as the help menu but I like to look things up, have some tangible reference to peruse as opposed to pressing a button and hoping that the keyword finds the topic that I'm after.

Anyone else been disappointed by this, do you prefer the help menu or are you just not bothered either way.

Cheers for your thought,


# 2 29-09-2006 , 08:01 AM
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Hey Matt,

Thats not a good sign, maybe because you have upgraded rarther than bought version 8 outright, they may assume that you can "figure your way round it"??

I'm considering the jump as i'm currently on version 6, uni's on version 7 and I think they will upgrade soon (and i'll be able to get a student licence via them).

Maybe someone on heres upgraded or bought outright that might be able to help you out?


# 3 29-09-2006 , 08:35 AM
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Cheers for your thought there Steve.

As a student, there is no option for upgrade, you have to buy outright again. I can only assume that I've got the same package as someone with a commercial license as when I got Maya 7 that was the case.

I obviously still have all of my Maya 7 books (well thumbed they are too) so I have some paper based documentation to assist me but as far as the new features go I'll have to be using good old F1 help menu. I think that this is most unfair for people who are buying into Maya for the first time, books are good and, aswell as being helpfull, they give a bit of weight to the package and make you feel as though you have spent your money on something quality.

An analogy could be when CD's were first introduced it never felt as though you got your moneys worth in comparison to buying a vinyl album. Size wise Vinyl was bigger, the sleeves of an LP showed off the artwork, gatefold sleeves were a bonus!!

Obviously I'm not forgetting that the money is spent on the software (or the license to use it) but with Alias there seemed to be some prid, in what they produced. Autodesk seem to have just burned a few DVD's and chucked them in a case.

Rant over, I'd still like to hear peoples thoughts.

Take it easy,


# 4 29-09-2006 , 09:11 AM
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Thats a bit rubbish, not to play devils advocate but maybe its a way to generate more money by making you get some documentation off them?

On the other hand, there was a discussion at uni about having electroic manuals (such as the help files as they are very concise) over paper based ones as if you were buying a highend computer software you would (probably) know how to operate a PC and find the help files.

For the price you pay for the programme there at least should be some sort of paper documantation to give it some weight, as you pointed out.

# 5 29-09-2006 , 09:39 AM
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No documentation coming with a high end app? I think its criminal that you pay a few grand (how much is the upgrade anyway?) and they don't bother including a proper box nor a manual in book form. What would that cost them? A few extra dollars at the most. Guess thats the way things are going to be from now on with Autodesk.

# 6 29-09-2006 , 09:53 AM
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Having glanced at the pamphlet that comes with it (I can't call it a manual with only 6 leaves in it's cover) there are a few lines dedicated to Maya Help. Essentially these say that there are comprehensive help files wihthin the software (no kidding it's the F1 help menu) and it gives instructions on how to print them out if you wish, how kind!



# 7 01-10-2006 , 10:14 PM
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the monster that is Auto Desk promised it would keep the same level of quality that Maya users were used to (I read that in 3D world) and not turn it into a different app, well it seems to me that it is changing a lot, I'm wondering what Maya 9 will be and I'm wondering how close it is to the other 3D app they own (I think its Max). Its a buy out and we'll all be using a hybrid Maya soon or we all will live in fond remembrance of Alias in memory or by staying with version 7. Or alternately we could all start a virtual rock band. ??

I'm still waiting for a good excuse to put 8 back on (beside the money, ( uumm?? )

as for paying all that money and getting a drab product goes to show Auto desks position on it. In this case 'a box tells a thousand words. I was annoyed with the app, i think just because it is the 'latest' does that make it the greatest. If it does will someone let me know.

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# 8 02-10-2006 , 03:53 AM
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I agree that Maya has changed a lot. Its now far more Max-like and the new Autodesk Maya site, which they promised to keep in the cool orginal Alias red and black layout has changed into that lame Autodesk Blue with almost all of the content removed, saved for the bits where they boast about themselves.

Just curious - how many people dislike Autodesk here? I'm one of them.

happymat27, as for the new Maya's web help thing, you would be better off buying books from your local bookshop as they would be of more use if your learning Maya. Problem with that is, you have to spend money on something the cost of Maya should have covered.

*Whacks Autodesk over head* - Bad Autodesk, no cookie for you!

# 9 02-10-2006 , 04:57 AM
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Architect, thanks for your thoughts,

the F1 help menu has been on maya throughout it's incarnations, it's just that now it it the only point of reference for users as there is no printed documentation when purchased. In one respect you're right about buying books you need them to learn and for future reference, I have plenty of Maya literature to keep me going, I don't however have a problem with buying them.

The books that used to come with the package were just paper based versions of the help files, very useful but they just cover the basics of each tool, function or menu. For more in depth knowledge you need to pay, I think that's fair, the software is, after all, what you buy (well the license to use it at any rate) but I believe that it should come with the necessary paper based documentation!!

All that said, I have no problem with version 8 (the software side of things) now that I'm getting used to the new menus (well after adjusting them back to how they used to be!) and the new names for stuff, the fact that there are 2 duplicate options (regular and special) and the Max-esque way you create objects to name a few of the myriad changes. Better to keep with the times if they are a changing than fall behind!



# 10 02-10-2006 , 12:19 PM
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I got maya 8 but i cant use it because I have a Mac and its only a 10.3 and I need 10.4:headbang:

# 11 03-10-2006 , 03:29 PM
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i gave up on 8 . i had too many issues and then sending files for someone to look at caused and issue I was lost on the menu lol ..just beginning I more adapt to stick with 7 til I am comfortable to make the switch ...

# 12 03-10-2006 , 04:43 PM
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I'm tending to think i better stick with the one i know, I'm still on 7 too, but all that will change in time I guess. I still can't use that one yet much less try t keep up with the latest software, att you have a reason, your uni, at least there they can show you the new things and how to change things around to suit you better. The rest of us have to beg borrow or steal a tut. (or buy one is what I meant, for me I can't really afford any more)

the main thing is, is it more efficient, I know it is in the texturing side and I guess in other places too (I went to the site and loooked at the new features that come in little free video tuts)

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# 13 03-10-2006 , 06:30 PM
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as far as I'm aware, the system requirements for a Mac are OSX 10.3 or higher. Perhaps your reseller will confirm this although they should have gone through it with you when you purchased the product.



# 14 04-10-2006 , 10:15 AM
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when i was trying to install it it said system requires OS X 10.4 or higher

# 15 04-10-2006 , 02:56 PM
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Yeah Maya's changed alot. I remember version 3 came out and you got 2 extra large boxes of proper manuals for EVERYT module in maya. Not so any more. When I bought version 5 I got a book with it called 'whats new' but everything is now pdf based.

I would talk to your reseller and see what the deal is. Nobody wants to fly blind in anything regardless of experience, I think you should have had a book like 'whats new in Maya 8' at least, I did with 5 and version 6 which Im still running.

Autodesk are a littl weird in their ethic to me right now, maybe it will change overtime, but they arent doing any favours customer wise, with all the fuss and annoyances over the last version of Maya my thoughts have been looking at 'Soft' or even Modo...


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