Transform Component tool relocates - Extrude.
Hey all, im using Maya 8, with a small issue with the transform component tool relocating when switching between local axis mode and global axis mode clicking on the little blue circle.
What i get often with extruding edges and faces is i need to switch to the global axis mode and ill be zoomed in, in front or side view and i switch modes the next thing my tool is off screen and i have to use insert, and pull the pivot point back up manually, zoom in again and repeat that process again.
I have tried using "Center Pivot" command but that doesnt seem to work with this particular tool. Ive noticed in a few tutorial videos the tutor is able to click the change axis modifier button on the tool and have it just switch on the same point it was at.
I took some screenshots of a simple cube that i extruded and swtiched modes showing whats happening:
Before - before swtiching axis modes.
After - after, notice its moved away.
Sorry for the length, hopefully ive explained it well and thanks for reading.