Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 1 11-01-2007 , 08:39 PM
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Learning Maya - Wasting my time?

Hi all

I have a position on a game development team to learn 3D Modeling in Maya. I can't draw very well I think and not sure I'm very creative or artistic. My question is do I need to be talented in those things to be able to master Maya and start modeling some sweet characters, buildings, etc.

# 2 11-01-2007 , 10:20 PM
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All depends on how much you want to do it....

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# 3 11-01-2007 , 11:32 PM
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You could see how you feel with the team and you never know as you get into it the ideas might start flowing. Even if you cant draw write down the idea and ask someone else to draw it and you could look over there shoulder and point out what goes where. Good luck if you take it.

# 4 12-01-2007 , 12:28 AM
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there is no such thing as 'talent' it is a word people use as an excuse to not practise.

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# 5 12-01-2007 , 12:36 AM
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Originally posted by mirek03
there is no such thing as 'talent' it is a word people use as an excuse to not practise.

Dunno mate, I practice, practice, practice playing the guitar but I aint getting better now, where one of my mates dosent practice but can just pick it up and blast throught anything!

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 6 12-01-2007 , 09:51 AM
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Everyone can learn how to draw and everyone can learn how to use Maya, ofcourse there are differences between people tho, some people just learn faster.

Edit: I cant draw and I cant play any instrument, still I love to use Maya, so yes I think its mostly about commitment. user added image

# 7 12-01-2007 , 10:02 AM
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My 2D art sucs... There is no like between being a good artist and startingto learn Maya. Yes OK the majority of people in 3D come from Art backgrounds, but it is not a must. Talent, is better known as "being gifted".

Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
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# 8 12-01-2007 , 10:32 AM
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Gotta say that I can draw a load better now from before I started to use maya, I apply the same principles, start from basics then move up.

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# 9 12-01-2007 , 02:06 PM
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Originally posted by mirek03
there is no such thing as 'talent' it is a word people use as an excuse to not practise.

you are right man , people say that they dont have talent
just as an excuse

every human being has a powerful brain , but the
only problem is they don't use it

all you need to learn Maya is pure interest and some

Last edited by DotNet54; 13-01-2007 at 01:36 PM.
# 10 13-01-2007 , 12:31 AM
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As everybody said, anyone could learn Maya, 'talent' is just a advantage for some ppl to learm faster, easier.
As for me, Im better at drawing than Maya, but I still try to learn it. I started 5 months ago and managed to acquire some modelling techniques.
Beginners like me just want to go faster, learn more. I understood that I just have to take my time and go step by step. (that mean I dont think about animating for now user added image )

I cant remember the number of tutorials, websites, videos, lessons I watched, but one thing is sure, I practiced without rushing and I cant model pretty welll now.

You should check out the VTM at 3dbuzz, then take some modeling tutorial at 3d-palace to learn the techniques then the rest is just practice.

Good luck
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omg, guys, we could actually be philosophy teachers :blush:

# 11 23-01-2007 , 03:17 PM
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personal rant on the talent thing

we are humans, (forgive the asumption) the thing we are best at is creativity, we're so good at it that we dont even know when we are doing it ... we speak to each other, stringing a chain of images together that form a complicated story in an other creatures mind ... wow
yes talent "humph" perhaps it is just the capacity to accept complete failure and start again, to keep starting again to seek a way around if you cant go over. Those who claim to have no talent are those who have accepted failure out of lack of desire to continue (for what ever reason)
if you want it ... dont be lazy and dont ever give up, it takes time, but dont wait for it, chase it down, be relentless
well that my three cents worth ... I do go on dont I:p

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# 12 23-01-2007 , 05:03 PM
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there's practise and there's 'informed' practise.., it is important that one has a teacher.., a teacher is a library, a library is knowledge, accumulated and passed down is over the years. To practise in an 'uninformed' way is to go over the same thing day after day never moving forward. One needs to learn 'said thing' and move on to next 'said thing,'.., the next step. How can you move on to the next step if you don't know what is.., if there is no 'library', no guide to show you the way.

One can learn from books, but a teacher is so much more personal, if one respects their teacher then one wants to perform better for them until one wants to perform better for one's self. With books there is the chance of misunderstanding, 'I'll do it tomorrow' and other pitfalls.

people say I'm gifted (in certain circles user added image ) but I say, we are all 'gifted' but we all have different preferences in the same way we all have different personalities.

As Gster said.., 'it all depends on how much you want to do it'

I maintain, there is no progress without 'work'.., 'informed' work. (and lots of it, not just a few minutes here and thee spread over a week. Sure there are the 'geniuses' .., the truly 'gifted' such as 'DeVinci' but I'm trying to keep this post on planet earth. 'De Vinci s' are too rare to consider, and he probably worked a 28 hour day.

some very good things said on this thread.

'we are all humans' yes quiet an assumption, if only it were true, what a world? Its become such a lonely and cynical place. The first thing we should learn is to respect ourselves and only then can we respect others. (my 5 cents worth user added image )

take it easy and life will be easy

Last edited by mirek03; 23-01-2007 at 05:10 PM.
# 13 23-01-2007 , 05:10 PM
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Originally posted by mirek03
there's practise and there's 'informed' practise.., it is important that one has a teacher.., a teacher is a library, a library is knowledge, accumulated and passed down is over the years. To practise in an 'uninformed' way is to go over the same thing day after day never moving forward. One needs to learn 'said thing' and move on to next 'said thing,'.., the next step. How can you move on to the next step if you don't know what is.., if there is no 'library', no guide to show you the way.

Thinks thas my problem with the guitar! I think that I never have the time for "Quality Practice time", as im spending too much time with other things.

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# 14 23-01-2007 , 06:21 PM
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Re: Learning Maya - Wasting my time?

Originally posted by Klopek
Hi all

I have a position on a game development team to learn 3D Modeling in Maya. I can't draw very well I think and not sure I'm very creative or artistic. My question is do I need to be talented in those things to be able to master Maya and start modeling some sweet characters, buildings, etc.

you dont have to be a great 2d artist or a good one inorder to be able to work in 3d, my only advice is that take a look at other peoples artworks (the ones which inspire you) and search online for some tutorials if you want to better your 2d skills. So basically practice, practice, practice thats the best way to learn.

# 15 23-01-2007 , 08:14 PM
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Thinks thas my problem with the guitar! I think that I never have the time for "Quality Practice time", as im spending too much time with other things.

All depends on how much you want to do it....

well said user added image

take it easy and life will be easy
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