I gather you're trying to make the kind of fork that one eats with??
Something worth pointing out, is that if you create a nurbs cube and then go from there, you're asking for trouble - you see a nurbs cube isn't 1 surface, like for example a nurbs sphere or nurbs torus is - it's actually 6 nurbs planes, meaning that it's less than friendly to try to do anything with. Same with nurbs cylinders, nurbs cones - they're both made up of 3 and 2 surfaces respectively.
I've made you a knife and fork kind of fork, using just polygons, you can easy convert it to subds from there to get a smoother less industrial look. Of course, there's also the the Polygons->Smooth option too.
1) Create a cube that's 7 divisions wide. Scale it's height and length to get a squat rectangular shape.
2) Select these 4 faces and extrude them, in two small steps.
3) Turn it around and select these edges. Delete them.
4) Select the face that remains and extrude it a bit, scale it's width in for the handle
5) Extrude this face straight back in two steps
6) Using all the verts that were created in the extrusions, give the fork a better shape by moving some up and others down a teensy bit.
7) One finished, very square and nasty looking fork.
Just smooth from there, adding more detail if need be.
*** If this doesn't make much sense, having a look in the help files (F1) for "selecting edges", "selecting faces" "selecting verts", "extruding faces" and "scaling an extrusion" may well help you.
Failing that, just find and do the tutorial on making a claw-hammer that is in the Maya Help files. That'll talk you through the concets a 1000 times better than I will.
Hope this is the kind of fork you're after,
Edit: More than likely not what you were asking about, but make sure you go to Polygons->ToolOptions first and ensure that KeepFacesTogether is checked before you start. That'll save more than a small headache...
Last edited by enhzflep; 25-01-2007 at 10:27 PM.