Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
And one more question . How i can make hole without extude a face .. can it be done with curve .. ?
here is my technique of doing that things .. but when i want to make some complicate hole ... or smth like that ...i get stuck with extrude face option ...
you could use boolean but i would stick with extrude face. what exactly is the problem that you are having? Be a bit more specific and you might get more replies mate.
cool idea for a project by the way. this should be fun to do.
Think I would build it as if it was upright then use lattices in cirtian areas to deform of to the desired shape then texture using some good bump maps
I would not approach this project by doing multiple extrudes. This can cause its own issues.
I would do it like:
Create a poly cube to match the bottom most corner (bottom right) and get it to the size you want
Use multiple extrudes along the base where the window uprights are and continue along until the end
Create the uprights with an extrude until you get the desired height
Delete those faces at the top of the uprights, they are not needed
Duplicate the geometry to create the 1st floor and again for the 2nd and so on...
On the last duplicate delete the upright geometry and use the append polygon tool to fill the gaps left
Combine the bottom and first level geometry and merge the interconnecting verts, do this for each floor
Once done you should have a complete front face, add any required details and texture
Now do as Steve (Gster) suggested and use a lattice to defrom the building.
Chris (formerly R@nSiD) Twitter When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will truely know peace - Jimmy Hendrix Winner SM VFX Challenge 1 3rd Place SM SteamPunk Challenge (May 2007)