Introduction to Maya - Rendering in Arnold
This course will look at the fundamentals of rendering in Arnold. We'll go through the different light types available, cameras, shaders, Arnold's render settings and finally how to split an image into render passes (AOV's), before we then reassemble it i
# 1 15-03-2007 , 09:03 PM
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Posts: 141

Has anyone seen this tut on the net?

My instuctor got this out of a 3dsmax/maya book, We are suppose to make this helmet. Since most everyone was stuck on it she made copys of the tut for everyone. Unlucky though i missed that class, and she didnt have anymore when i went to see her. Heres is the reference images for it. Hope this may ring a bell to some of you. Thanks for the help

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# 2 15-03-2007 , 09:28 PM
gster123's Avatar
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Not seen it man, it dosent look too hard to be honest, youve got the wure frames so just import them as your image planes.

I would start from a poly cube and then split/extrude etc from there, unless, of course your meant to be making it in a cirtian wayo

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 3 15-03-2007 , 09:47 PM
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Posts: 141
Thanks man, this is how she wants it made

Consider starting with a primitive or a mesh
Start with a cube primitive with sufficient horz and vert cuts in order to match up with the sections in your reference model -- or more.
Start with Create Polygon Tool and then the Append Polygon Tool to create a mesh that matches the side of the helmet reference model.

Extrude with the faces grouped together in order to either draw out the mesh so that it becomes 3 dimensional, OR to take your poly cube primitive and extrude an area on top that will be the helmet head/visor area vs. face/neck cover.

Do not forget to extrude more than once! Also, each time you extrude consider using the 3 Transform tools: move, rotate, and SCALE, to change each successive groupings of extruded faces.

Be sure to go into Component Mode and move the vertices around to create the layout you are looking for -- in BOTH front and side views.

There are certain areas that will require extra detail, more lines of division. Remember you can add lines to your model at ANY TIME. Simply go and choose one of the Split, Cut or Insert Edge Loop tools so that you can add a new row or column of polygons in whatever section of your model you want.

You can move and resize parts of your helmet with Vertices, Lines/Edges, and Faces! Do it!

Don't forget you may need to delete some faces in order to create an eye opening.

You can always cut your primitive model in half to work with just the right or left side and then duplicate it at the end to finish it. Or if you started with a mesh, you can build just one half from the start.

If you do work with only half, be sure to duplicate at the end, combine the two polygons, and then go and merge all the vertices or edges along that middle seam so that it is one helmet.

When you are complete, you may want to Average Vertices to get rid of any rough geometry.

Also consider Smoothing your model at the very end.

# 4 15-03-2007 , 10:05 PM
severinianthony's Avatar
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Rather bizarre that an instructor wouldn't ask for an email address, and send you a copy of the instructions/image planes...

Ah well, don't sit around and do nothing; that's the worst thing you can do. Make your own image planes, and do your best to model the helmet yourself; it's better to have tried something with fuzzy reference than to have done nothing at all! user added image

# 5 15-03-2007 , 10:14 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 141
well the thing is she has my email, she gave me a bunch of reference pics during the different stages. Im going to have to study them and see how best to approach it. I would like the instuctions that she gave everyone else since i have other homework to do as well. thanks for the help guys.

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