Maya for 3D Printing - Rapid Prototyping
In this course we're going to look at something a little different, creating technically accurate 3D printed parts.
# 1 07-12-2002 , 11:48 AM
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Gnomon3d Training Dvds

i am new in maya community,and i want to become 3d animater and visual effects master,so i visit the website
there are to much dvds so my question is that is any body purchase these dvds,i want to see some comments because there are to expensive for me
58pak rupees=1Us $
total price is 2,250$
1,30500 in pak rupees,and it is too much money,so please help me that if i purchase these dvds am i become maya expert,if i really work hard on these dvds ,please help me
i read books or purchase dvds
please select for me !

i love maya ,but knows nothing about maya
# 2 07-12-2002 , 03:07 PM
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yep I can help... go here:

join up (only £14) and download whatever you like... then if you have any questions then post them on the board and we will answer user added image

and welcome to SM!

# 3 07-12-2002 , 04:51 PM
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Unfortunately, there is no "Buy this and become and Instant Master!" deal out there... you could get all the DVDs and books in the world and you'd still have to put in the practice and the time. I don't mean to discourage, but do not expect to become a master in a matter of weeks or even months... Sure, you can get good in a matter of months, but mastering it takes quite a good bit of practice. I consider myself to be pretty good at Maya, but I've been using it for about 3 years now. There's still a ton I don't know yet. user added image

Good luck! I think the SM vip videos would be an excellent, low-cost method of instruction, especially as we add more content in the next few months.

# 4 08-12-2002 , 02:01 PM
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Yep i would of cource have to agree the simplymaya subscription is a good starting point.

David user added image

From a readers' Q and A column in TV GUIDE: "If we get involved in a nuclear war, would the electromagnetic pulses from exploding bombs damage my videotapes?"
# 5 08-12-2002 , 09:20 PM
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You will find that this site, with a subscription, offers all that you will need to start out. It is cheaper here too, with a better selection.
Try ituser added image

gimme everything u got
# 6 10-12-2002 , 12:03 AM
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unfortunately, if you buy those dvd's you wont become an instant expert... only pratice makes a mayan an expert..... you can never finish learning maya.... but start with the VIP tutorials here.... they are a very good starters( from what i have heard ), and after you know maya well and good then if you want buy those DVD's,,, and 1 lacks and 30,000 rupees is too much money... add another 1 lack and you can buy a car!!!!

# 7 10-12-2002 , 12:08 AM
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and i was talking indian rupees... but there is only a little difference right???(please correct me if i am wrong) . or i think that you converted it wrong....
2,250$ cannot be 1,30,500

# 8 11-12-2002 , 05:46 PM
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Those tapes/DVDs (gnomon) are VERY good!

# 9 12-12-2002 , 10:38 AM
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Only For Peter G:::::::::::::::::::

Peter G ,
i am really very happy that u post your comments and u write that thses dvds are very good,so please tell me that ,
i am new in maya i never use maya before so please tell me after purchasing thses dvds can i become maya expert,because i am so interested in maya!
and also tell me that thses dvds are only 100 minutes so can u think that after spending 100 minutes on one thing i become the master of maya like ,modeling,kinematics,and dynamics,also soft rigid bodies
so please give the link of your website that i can watch your work on maya!
because i post a message but the moderator said that,first u give us 14 ponds and then we tell u whole the thing but this is not correct.
so sir i am waiting your more comments on gnomon3d training dvds.
are u really purchase these dvds u purchase full bundle or 4 dvds ,so please tell me that i purcahse these dvds or not
because i can buy the great books that u can view on and type here maya 4.5.
what is the main different between these dvds and books """

i love maya ,but knows nothing about maya
# 10 12-12-2002 , 10:43 AM
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LOL, sorry I couldn´t avoid to get a laugh at this post. user added image

Mate, reread the whole thread, there´s no way those videos might be usefull to you yet as they´re geared to a perhaps a bit more advanced audience, I advise you to start with the ones on this site. Ask around the forum. Get into the Challenge. Enjoy Maya, and practice a whole lot. That´s the only way, you´ll get to be a master in Maya.

# 11 12-12-2002 , 01:29 PM
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Darkware Please u Alos Give Your Comment

in another forum,u write that gnomon3d training dvds are good so please tell me if i purchase am i become profession maya expert,sir please please tell me i purchase these dvds or not
i am totally new in maya or in 3d!
why i am interested because i here to much about gnomon3d
and thire smaples are also very exelent,
so only one doubt or fear because its time is 100 minutes and its price is 79$,so For example after 200 minutes i become the master in maya expression.
so please become my friend and treat me like your younger brother who does not know about any thing!

i love maya ,but knows nothing about maya
# 12 12-12-2002 , 02:43 PM
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I'll tell you this...

Of course The Gnomon videos are awsome and are going to teach you new things... the thing that people are trying to tell you is that you should try the videos on this site first and see how you do... the Gnomon videos are not very friendly with newbies and I've heard a lot of the things they do is with keyboard shortcuts so you wont be able to see what they do...

get the videos from this site and when you become more familiar with maya, you can go and get the Gnomon videos

Good Luck

# 13 12-12-2002 , 04:08 PM
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No matter what you buy, it will not make you a master of anything! Only time, patience, and practice can do that... videos and books and such can only help guide you as to WHAT you should practice.

Obviously, this is something that you do not like to hear... it seems that you are just asking until someone tells you what you want to hear. But, you'll find that unlike some other video sites... we don't make impossible claims. We're here to help, and that's what we're trying to do.

# 14 17-12-2002 , 01:39 PM
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wow that would be great. i watch a 200min video and become a master in maya (does that only work with maya? maybe someone could plz make a video for becoming a nuclear scientist user added image ). for this, i would pay more then just 79 bugs user added image.

just be a little bit near to reality. try some tutorials, maybe video tuts from this site here or just some normal html tutorials (they are normaly only with written words and some pics to illustrate and give a better understanding user added image )
and like the others say: practice.
set your self a goal. try to copy something that is around u (shair, table -> the whole room). try to set up many lights, so it looks real..... that would be a good practice. or just take some pics from your favorite action hero or maye ken and barbie and model them...

user added image greats from Mitch user added image

# 15 17-12-2002 , 01:48 PM
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To answer your question I currently own a few of these vids They are great to watch I like Poly 1 -2 and Intro to maya and Subd 1-2
but I have watched thes and I am no way a proffesional by watchimg these. Yes I did learn about surface normals and how to merge ploly but knowing and doing are to different things.

Example you may know what you need to do to draw get paper get pencil and draw. Wow im a master (NOT) but actually drawing is a horse of another color.

Anyways What we are saying is yes these tapes are good but dont buy them all just buy one or two if you like then buy them.

Here is a link to some cheap ones try this first

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