Howto: Maya & Avid: combining fields
It now has been a month or so since I am using Maya, sure, for quite some things I still use Lightwave, but slowly we are migrating more and more to Maya, and there was a problem I needed to find a solution for. I found out that not that much was written about this, so now I have found out, I'd like to share my knowledge with you:
In the broadcasting business you often get to work together with Avid machines, and they work with fields. However, there is a little bug, which we first thought was Newtek's fault. But it seems a problem with Avid.
When you import a targa sequence into Avid, for the best performance, you have to render in fields, in Avid you select 'odd-fields' in the Import Options' window but you render 'even-fields' in Maya.
By default, if you render fields in Maya, it outputs seperate files with only the even or odd scanlines. But Avid needs both fields in one image (interlaced). So I made a screenie with the settings for Maya software.
It also includes the values for both widescreen and normal (aspect ratio).
I hope this helps those who wondering how to combine the fields.
All the best,