I just got Maya 2008, and I must say, it’s amazing! There are many more new features than I thought there were, and it runs much smoother than 8.5! I’ll still be using 8.5 for a while, because I wanted to learn how to use some plug-ins soon, and not very many support 2008, right now.

Anyway, here’s my benchmark results on my computer (I hope that I can get a new one soon…

…………………………………………8. 5……………2008…………Difference
Initializing Window……………32s……………14s……†¦â€¦â€¦18s
Fully Launched……………………1m7s………55s†¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦12s
Scene render (software)………1m27s……1m16s………11s
Scene render (mental ray)……2m26s……2m16s………10s
Note: On both of the scene renders, Maya 2008 used both of my CPUs, unlike 8.5. Although, it seemed like it didn’t use my CPUs to their full extent. I’m sure that people with quad-cores (like a Mac Pro

Smooth sphere (4 div.)……………4.5s…………1.5s………⠀¦3s
Note: When trying to move the camera around, Maya 2008 handled the smoothed sphere (with 99840 faces) much smoother than 8.5.
The thing I’m probably most mad about, is the lack of support for 64-bit Macs.
I’ll be posting some of my impressions of the new features (with pics) etc., later today.
Anyone that has 2008, please, post your impressions!