I have 2 questions for some of you vets here. First if you could pick to learn 3D SMax or Maya (both version 2008) which would you do first? I am a complete newb to both programs and I started both Kurt's Fish tut on Max and his Basic Human form tut on Maya, I realized with my limited time being that I am trying to learn this in my spare time that I need to focus on one program at a time, I just dont know which one I should do first

Second question, do you think that having a lot of art talent is required for this type of stuff if your only going to do it at a hobby level? Can I get away with relying more on image planes than some? I have a good eye for what something should look like but I have 0 art talent to actually translate that to paper through pencil/pen, I am a little better at the 3D stuff becasue I can basiclly undo what I did and try agian it just makes for a little bit slower modeling. I will probably never break into the industry but can you make really good non organic models without being an art genius?
Thanks in advance for all your help, I have been trolling these forums for a few days now and they have allready helped me to start to learn Maya and Max