Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 1 20-11-2007 , 05:07 AM
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My first character model

Hello fellows!
This is my first attempt to make my first cartoon character. This character is my professor, my great friend and very interesting person because I want complete this work.
For now this is only face
critiques and comments are very welcome!

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# 2 20-11-2007 , 08:41 AM
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Looks awesome for you first cartoon character! Is this polys, or nurbs? What's you poly count if it's polys? One minor thing, watch for the clipping between the suspenders and body. That's it! Looking great! I would like to look at your mesh.

EA Games
# 3 20-11-2007 , 10:44 AM
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Yes, very nice work! Would like to see the wire frame also.user added image

# 4 20-11-2007 , 07:38 PM
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I particularly like the eyes! rest of it is also nicely done!

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# 5 20-11-2007 , 09:56 PM
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fellows thanks for good comments about this work!
This is poly object, this is low poly object and only take smooth with division level 2.
Low poly object count 966 faces, and high poly object count 15296 faces.
Here is wire frames of low and high object!
I will respect you suggestion and comment! user added image

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# 6 20-11-2007 , 09:59 PM
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high poly

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# 7 21-11-2007 , 05:17 PM
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Very nice modeling, especially for a first head.. really has some character already! I think if you light him a bit more dramatically and try to make a nice skin-shader it would really stand out IMHO...


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# 8 22-11-2007 , 05:56 AM
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One thing, the mole on the right side. You probably don't need to actually model it. You can just paint it to the facial texture. This will reduce your render time. Unless you got an extreme close up shot of the mole. Don't know if you're doing this though.

Also, you might also want to even out the sizes of the topology on the low poly mesh, for example on the forehead, cheeks and chin. You want the quads to be fairly even and consistent all throughout the mesh. One more thing, try to avoid tri's. For example around the neck and upper chest. I can notice some pinching going on in the high poly mesh which you don't want at all. If you absolutely can't get rid of them, then try to hide them in places where you won't see them, like behind the ear, armpit, groin area.

One final thought, depending on your preference, you might just want to smooth the normals so you wont have to smooth it into a hight poly mesh. Other than that, nice work! Just a bit of clean up.

EA Games

Last edited by djknucklez1; 22-11-2007 at 06:07 AM.
# 9 22-11-2007 , 10:36 AM
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Re: hmmm...

Originally posted by djknucklez1
One thing, the mole on the right side. You probably don't need to actually model it. You can just paint it to the facial texture. This will reduce your render time. Unless you got an extreme close up shot of the mole. Don't know if you're doing this though.

Reduce render time? Hey, we're talking about saving about 20 triangles, that would maybe shorten the render time with about 2 milliseconds.

Originally posted by djknucklez1
One final thought, depending on your preference, you might just want to smooth the normals so you wont have to smooth it into a hight poly mesh. [/B]

That clearly isn't the same thing. Just smoothing the normals will obviously doesn't accomplish the same quality.

# 10 22-11-2007 , 12:34 PM
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Originally posted by DJbLAZER:
That clearly isn't the same thing. Just smoothing the normals obviously doesn't accomplish the same quality.

Thats right, smoothing normals doesn't achieve the same kind of quality. I personally us the function to get a rough idea of what a hi-res version ( character modeling for the most part ) will look like, if I'm going for hi-res.

# 11 22-11-2007 , 03:38 PM
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I love it when forum folk attack each other- This is great work for the first attempt. I would do whatever you want to do with the mole and if rendering time is an issue come see us on the farm.

Chris Howell
Respower, a Self-Service Render Farm
# 12 23-11-2007 , 03:34 AM
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Well geniuses, what I'm talking about is work efficiency. Now let's see....the mole, sure it's quite pretty. So you guys mean to tell me that we should model moles, wrinkles, small scars and pimples? Ok, yeah milliseconds in render time is nothing. But what if you got a 5 minute animation or working in a project professionally? they all add up. Do the math. Why model unnecessary detail that can easly be achieved by a simple bump map or a normal map! I think most people here want to reach a professional level in order to get a "job" in the Industry, whether it's gaming, commercial or movies.

And actually normals are used quite frequently believe it or not, it's even applied in movies now, but in LOV groups. Don't disregard them that easly, it's a very powerful tool.

One thing I learned working in the Industry is: To not work "hard" but to work "smart!"

Later Friends! user added image

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Last edited by djknucklez1; 23-11-2007 at 03:40 AM.
# 13 23-11-2007 , 05:44 AM
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Since he has a high poly version the lightinf will catch the mole the way it is. If he takes it off and paints it back it will be flat and look unrealistic compared to the rest of the face. I find a common theme today is older industry folk talking about optimization in an increasingly quality based niche. The games today are not low poly. The are mid poly normal mapped as far as i can tell, definitly not low poly. Anyway if he were to normal map it for the mole his time in working would increase a bit meaning his time saver is redundant for its on sake. Also quad cores and ps3's are mainstreme now pumping out graphics with detail that requires rincles and zits. By the time one of us is industry or freelance jobs will need more detail to achieve competitiveness. They say computer power grows exponetaily, by the time youve done your schooling or any learning on cg whatever you know is outdated including no mole. Look at new cg movies and next gen games.

# 14 23-11-2007 , 06:05 AM
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Originally posted by wokendreams
Also quad cores and ps3's are mainstreme now pumping out graphics with detail that requires rincles and zits. By the time one of us is industry or freelance jobs will need more detail to achieve competitiveness. They say computer power grows exponetaily, by the time youve done your schooling or any learning on cg whatever you know is outdated including no mole. Look at new cg movies and next gen games.

I agree with what you're saying. But let me use an example that can apply to our little discussion. In animation in Maya, let's say we create a bouncing ball that bounces up and down on the same spot, till it bounces no more. We know that we never have to deal with inbetweens like in 2D animation. Maya excludes many animation basics and rules in order to make our work easier. Right? Right! But still to forget about all the rules and basics of animation like Squash and stretch, inbetweens, secondary action, arcs, etc. just because the machine does it for you is ludicrous! Yes, machines are getting faster and quicker but just because they are it doesn't mean that the basic rules still don't apply. I've not met one animator that doesn't draw or apply the basic principles into their work and I've never met a 3D Modeler that doesn't sculpt or study the human form here at EA or in other companies, just because the machine does it for you. This is what separates the best from the rest. Never forget about the basics just because they're "Outdated" as you put it.

We have this guy that got hired this past summer, and his demo reel was all 2D hand drawn animation and at the end it, there was a 6 second clip in Maya of a simple character acting out a lip synch just to show that he could work in 3d. It was amazing! He had barely learned maya a month back. Got hired on the spot. I wish I had the demo reel to show here. This guy is 23 years old. I refuse to believe the old stuff gets outdated. No way! If anything it makes you a stronger artist.

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Last edited by djknucklez1; 23-11-2007 at 06:12 AM.
# 15 23-11-2007 , 11:25 AM
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Originally quoted by djknucklez1:
Well geniuses, what I'm talking about is work efficiency. Now let's see....the mole, sure it's quite pretty. So you guys mean to tell me that we should model moles, wrinkles, small scars and pimples? Ok, yeah milliseconds in render time is nothing. But what if you got a 5 minute animation or working in a project professionally? they all add up. Do the math. Why model unnecessary detail that can easly be achieved by a simple bump map or a normal map! I think most people here want to reach a professional level in order to get a "job" in the Industry, whether it's gaming, commercial or movies.

Take it easy there djknucklez1. No one here is attacking anyones work efficiency. Were just giving facts about them. I was attacking anyone. If pipistrel preffers modeling detail into his geometry, he has every right to do. The best thing to do is let pipistrel decide whats best for him.

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