Which looks more appealing?installation:
Run the installation file (maxwell.exe) and follow the installation procedure. The Maxwell
executable files will be added to the system path. A user environment variable named
Maxwell_RooT pointing to the installation folder will be added. if this variable doesn’t exist
or is not created properly, the application will fail.
Mac os x:
Unstuff the installation package and drag & drop the contents into the applications folder.
installing tar.gz. Copy maxwell64-1.6.linux64.tar.gz to /opt and uncompress and untar the package.
Type both gzip -d maxwell64-1.6.linux64.tar.gz and tar xvf maxwell64-1.6.linux64.tar
Create a user environment variable named Maxwell_RooT that points to the Maxwell
installation folder. depending on your shell, the procedure may differ slightly. for example, in
Bash shell use:
export MAXWELL_ROOT=”/opt/maxwell64”
export PATH=”/opt/maxwell64/:$PATH”
in csh shell:
setenv MAXWELL_ROOT ”/opt/maxwell64”
setenv PATH ”/opt/maxwell64:$PATH”