Complex UV Layout in Maya
Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
# 1 20-01-2008 , 05:02 PM
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Help me plzzz....

can anybody tell me that how can i animate each object in a new frame in maya as like as flash???i mean in flash if i take a new frame i can model new object there nd the previous frame which contains another model have nothing to do with how can i do the same in maya like frame 2 frame animation???....if i model 1 object nd set a keyframe nd then in the next frame i put another object and keyframe whn i play the timeslider why all da object r seen frm the 1st frame :-s...mannnn um soooo confused.....plz help.....

# 2 20-01-2008 , 06:33 PM
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If you dont want the objesc to be seen thne just keyframe the visibility

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# 3 20-01-2008 , 06:53 PM
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Originally posted by gster123
If you dont want the objesc to be seen thne just keyframe the visibility

keyframe the visibility like???

well i wt i meant is, like i dont want a single object animation....i want multiple object 2 appear like for example the animation starts with 1 ball and slowly the ball will start increasing like 2 ball then 3 ball den 4 ball .......dis way.....

# 4 21-01-2008 , 07:37 AM
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right... create all the mutiple balls you want, and select them all (except for the first one to appear), enter a zero for the visibility value, and then right click on the word visibility found on the right and choose 'add keyframe'. all the balls will have disappeared. now in the timeline, select the frame you want a ball to re-appear, and using the hypergraph, select the ball you want to appear, change the visibility value back to 1, and add a keyframe at that frame. that will make the balls 'appear'.

the reason you don't have to keyframe like that in flash is because flash automatically creates keyframes whenever you change pretty much anything (including adding objects). in maya, you have to manually set keyframes unless you have the autokey function enabled (which is more of a headache than manually keying).

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# 5 21-01-2008 , 01:53 PM
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Originally posted by NeoStrider
right... create all the mutiple balls you want, and select them all (except for the first one to appear), enter a zero for the visibility value, and then right click on the word visibility found on the right and choose 'add keyframe'. all the balls will have disappeared. now in the timeline, select the frame you want a ball to re-appear, and using the hypergraph, select the ball you want to appear, change the visibility value back to 1, and add a keyframe at that frame. that will make the balls 'appear'.

the reason you don't have to keyframe like that in flash is because flash automatically creates keyframes whenever you change pretty much anything (including adding objects). in maya, you have to manually set keyframes unless you have the autokey function enabled (which is more of a headache than manually keying).

thanks a lottt mann....;-)

Last edited by Rehal; 21-01-2008 at 02:20 PM.
# 6 21-01-2008 , 02:22 PM
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hmm. i think instead of trying to key multiple balls at once, we'll work with just one to start so you can get accustomed to keying.

1. start a new scene.

2. make a sphere.

3. in the timeline, go to frame 0.

4. select the sphere. in the visibility attribute, enter a value of 0 (zero) and then right click on the word "visibility" and choose "add keyframe". the sphere should still be selected, but now invisible.

5. in the timeline, go to the frame where you want the sphere to reappear... for this exercise, choose frame 15. change the visibility attribute to 1 (one). your sphere should appear again. again, right click on the word "visibility" and choose "add keyframe".

if you scrub the timeline now, your sphere should slowly fade in from frame 0 to 15.

6. in order to make the sphere appear in ONLY frame 15, go to frame 14.

7. repeat step 4.

after following these steps, there shouldn't be any problems, and your sphere should only be visible from frame 15 and on.

if ya got any more problems after this, lemme know.

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# 7 21-01-2008 , 02:23 PM
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oh you edited your post... does this mean you got it to work correctly now?

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# 8 21-01-2008 , 02:37 PM
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Originally posted by NeoStrider
oh you edited your post... does this mean you got it to work correctly now?

yep...thnx bro ;-).....but can u tell me how to put text effect in ma animation(um not talking bout doz polygonal texts um talkin bout simple texts as flash) like i want to put text in da middle of my animation....suppose um working with an population density animation so at 1st the population of dis world was 0 den slowly it increased by numbers......l

like China 500
America 200

in dis sort....u know like after da end of an movie dey shows Cast n um willing 2 write in dat sort.....

# 9 21-01-2008 , 02:40 PM
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those are usually done in post-production in a program like after effects, combustion, or shake. you could technically do it in maya, but i really don't recommend it.

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# 10 21-01-2008 , 02:44 PM
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ok den i'll try sm other software den....thanx 4 ur time bro ;-)

# 11 21-01-2008 , 05:50 PM
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as u've mentioned bout da visibility thing i've done in dat way but wt i want is dat da balls should appear 1 by 1 by itself like 1 by 1......

for example: suppose "a" is a ball


so wot i want is dis "a" should appear by itself 1 by 1 :-S i mean a a a a a a a like fire dot dot dot hope i made it clear

i mean how to mask objects in maya......

Last edited by Rehal; 21-01-2008 at 08:12 PM.
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