I've been working with graphics for years now, but Maya... well Maya takes the cake for me. Photoshop wasn't this bad, neither was Final Cut. Maya's about the worst I've ever run into for sheer enigmatic UI. I'm begging you guys to help a poor nub out.
I have an animation set up in Maya 8.5. It looks good in the playblast, and the individual frames look good too. Now, I want to make a .mov or an .avi out of it, but for the life of me... I can't work it out. I've googled and googled and googled all day, but I can't seem to find the answer I'm looking for. The commands listed in the stick thread don't seem to exist in my version.

I've gone into the settings, made sure to stipulate that we start with frame 1 and go to frame 100, but it won't let me chose any kind of video format for the animation. Am I completely missing out on a major step in this process? Am I going to have to render each frame and reassemble by hand in something like Image Ready? I think I'd rather give birth to a fifty-pound porcupine.
I'm running on a Mac, if that makes any difference.
Thanks so much.