Increase subdivisions around cylinder axis AFTER create?
I have a sphere made of "dots" - which are just cylinders that don't have any depth to them - kind of like circular planes. When I first made this, I was happy to keep the default amount of subdivisions around the cylinder axis (20), because I wasn't planning on getting too close to them.
Now I am using the same model in a different animation, and I need to get quite close to the cylinders - and unfortunately you can notice that they're not completely round.
So what I want to do is just add to the geometry, and crank the number of subdivisions around the axis up so my "dots" look properly round. But this is the problem - I cannot work out how to do that. Can anyone tell me if there is a way that I can add to the number of subdivisions? I really, really want to avoid having to do it again, as it took a very long time in the first place.
Any advice or suggestions much appreciated!