There is no way to attach multiple images through the forum in one post. That is so that there is not heavy bandwidth leeching from the servers.
Any who, things are starting to shape up good. As for your trash can, or any of the models for that matter. If you aren't too happy with them, or they aren't spiced up enough for ya, I might suggest spending more time on them adding more detail. All the tedious stuff really. What really adds the shine is the detail work. Modeling, post production, renders.
Are you modeling so simply for game usage or are you going for photorealistic? Or better yet, have you done some concept art, or stylistic design that could lend itself to a design?
Those are all things I'd recommend thinking about, and deciding on before you start a project. Even when your starting out, if you know what you want to achieve, you have marks that you can track. And when you look back, you will have things that worked, that didnt work, and things you'd just flat out do differently.
I hope any of that helps.