Introduction to Maya - Modeling Fundamentals Vol 1
This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
# 1 28-07-2008 , 12:28 PM
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Like most of you, this is one of my favorite websites.....I try to spend as much as time as possible on here going through all the threads and being up-to-date on everyones work but it seems like it takes 5 months to get a whole new page in the WIP of work i haven't seen 100000's of times....So I wanted to share some of my suggestions so see expand this site and even make it more enjoyable for other cg artist to use.......these are suggestions so if you don't like them....thats fine...

1) What happened to turning all the Simply's into the one huge site ( I was really looking forward to that...I remember hearing about it and was very excited but it seems like its been forever since the last post on it and now I just dont know whats going on......Recently I was browsing and and they have some awesome work I'd love to see but nothings worse then going through 1000 websites to see WIP' I'm hoping this Simply3DWorld is still in place so that we can be joined as one community and have more work to share and comment on rather then 3 separate sites...

2) When Simply3dWord is finished...if its still in progress...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure the Gallery section is working....I mean there are some amazing works on these sites but having to go through 100 threads and pages just to see finished work... if that was in a gallery...lets say u have 25 images - 100 images per page....that would be perfect..then u can click on the ones u like...

3) can we have a portfolio in out control panel...some sites like cg-talk and cg-cars have amazing portfolio when u click on the users name to see all their works but as well, they still have a gallery.....I'm not saying be like those sites but that would be great to be able to click on someone likes Jays or vlads work since they always do such nice organics and see the work they post in their portfolio....this way u don't have to go through every post in the gallery to find that users work nor go through threads...just a suggestions but that would be great..

4) this one i don't really care for but if there was a blue print an organic and non-organic section for members to post their bps and even their concept art for others to use in their work and bring their art to life.....

5) I've talked to a few people and some of whom will be willing to do a free tut for the site to help bring in more users.......

these are just some suggestions I was thinking about because I love simplymaya but I would love to see more work and more users...not just maya users all under one community...I don't know how other members feel...

Toyota Supra WIP

I create feeling in others that they themseleves don’t understand.
# 2 28-07-2008 , 12:53 PM
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I dont know much as i only do the tuts and mod, as far as i know, things are still planned for the new look, new sections as well as few new instructors.

I also have lots of ideas for new stuff not just tuts to get member's more involed along the way.

For example, members be apart of the tut process either in topic ideas or sketchs more intensly. Then have one of use model animate the idea of said idea or sketch. Also I have joint tuts planned to take a project right from start to finish with me say doing the drawing designs model texturing and have another instructor take over for animation, composting and FX's.

Hopfully soon Dave will let us all know whats planned for when...


I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination, knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the world. (Albert Einstein)
# 3 28-07-2008 , 01:18 PM
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Yea that does sound nice....theres so many great ideas that can be done in helping expand...I would love to see some more suggestions from other members and hopefully some of these ideas get implemented into the new site.

Toyota Supra WIP

I create feeling in others that they themseleves don’t understand.
# 4 28-07-2008 , 02:05 PM
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i do agree with turbo here about the site expansion and a redesign of the forum, i really dont have much to say since turbo has already mentioned what i am thinking anyway. If i get some ideas i will post them here

# 5 28-07-2008 , 02:33 PM
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Those are all good ideas, having a gallery at least will be a big improvement, the finished work section here doesn't seem to get a lot of traffic so stuff is kinda hidden there and theres one thread for 2D stuff. I don't know how you'll go about organizing the site/ merging the data bases, I dunno if it'll be software specific forums or everything all smushed into one ( I've seen what can happen in the latter case, there'll be a minority and a majority, and the minority's software specific issues and questions will pretty much go unanswered til they just trickle off and go elsewhere).

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# 6 28-07-2008 , 02:48 PM
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Originally posted by GecT
Those are all good ideas, having a gallery at least will be a big improvement, the finished work section here doesn't seem to get a lot of traffic so stuff is kinda hidden there and theres one thread for 2D stuff. I don't know how you'll go about organizing the site/ merging the data bases, I dunno if it'll be software specific forums or everything all smushed into one ( I've seen what can happen in the latter case, there'll be a minority and a majority, and the minority's software specific issues and questions will pretty much go unanswered till they just trickle off and go elsewhere).

thats true but i mean its merging the the max and lightwave moderators can be mods on the new site as well which they should be able to help for the most part but ......... and for the majority part.......there will be someone who knows the programs fairly well.....but also we all know maya will be the majority for now but hopefully with the right expansion moves, we can bring in more lightwave, xsi, and max users here so that they can share their knowledge with noobs and someone with a simple question

Toyota Supra WIP

I create feeling in others that they themseleves don’t understand.
# 7 28-07-2008 , 02:57 PM
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Yeah I thought about all that before I posted, I was looking a little down the road after the new car smell wears off and people settle in, bleh well I'm sure the guys will come up with something, just had to throw in mah 2 cents :p

- Genny
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# 8 28-07-2008 , 06:54 PM
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I would be happy to make a free tutorial, if anyone wanted me too. I would love to contribute to the sites continuation and popularity. I could do a low-poly modeling and texturing tutorial, or something similar. just ask, and I can do it. Also, I love all the ideas in this thread so far, and I think the site needs more interaction between the people who control the site and people who participate to produce a slightly community run type thing, but really more like a democracy, you know?
this site has more potential than its given credit for.

Environment Artist @ Plastic Piranha
# 9 28-07-2008 , 07:09 PM
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i would like to see i next gen (well currnet gen) character modelling and texturing tut, preferably a human character

i'd like to see one done using mudbox, instead of zbrush

# 10 28-07-2008 , 07:31 PM
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mudbox is a bit more complicated for that work flow, as it cant create normal maps as easily. nor can in handle as much detail on the average computer.

Environment Artist @ Plastic Piranha
# 11 28-07-2008 , 07:38 PM
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Full support from me. i would really like to see a gallery, and the other ideas members had. I do not think the emerge would be too useful though. It would cause band-witch problems, server space problems, and in the end not help out much. The merge would be hard to do aswell, I believe.

Finished work
# 12 29-07-2008 , 12:06 AM
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Hey Guys...

To put a little clarity on your questions:

1) Yes Simply3Dworld is still ongoing and should be online and up and running soon. There has been a lot of trouble with the Databases and the recent accident at the Data Centre didn't help matters either.

2) I am not too sure what is going online, but I think there will be a gallery section online for finished peices. Check Out here for more info on what was planned to be added.

3) Portfolios would be a good idea and I do not have any confimred information as to the status of that and if it is/will/would be added.

4) We have a section in the Forums for Resources that hold links to resources like Blue-Prints ( the big issue here is copyright problems. To hold and display information you need the permission of the owner of the blueprints. It could be more costly and time ineffective to host on S3DW, so I think links work well...

5) Dave did put out a call for anyone who thought they were able to do tutorials, but the main call were for those who have skills outside of Maya. I can't find the link for that, but it was announced, the announcement came at the same time for Moderators.

Hope this clears some bits up for you user added image

Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will truely know peace - Jimmy Hendrix
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# 13 29-07-2008 , 12:37 AM
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Originally posted by R@nSiD
Hey Guys...

To put a little clarity on your questions:

1) Yes Simply3Dworld is still ongoing and should be online and up and running soon. There has been a lot of trouble with the Databases and the recent accident at the Data Centre didn't help matters either.

2) I am not too sure what is going online, but I think there will be a gallery section online for finished peices. Check Out here for more info on what was planned to be added.

3) Portfolios would be a good idea and I do not have any confimred information as to the status of that and if it is/will/would be added.

4) We have a section in the Forums for Resources that hold links to resources like Blue-Prints ( the big issue here is copyright problems. To hold and display information you need the permission of the owner of the blueprints. It could be more costly and time ineffective to host on S3DW, so I think links work well...

5) Dave did put out a call for anyone who thought they were able to do tutorials, but the main call were for those who have skills outside of Maya. I can't find the link for that, but it was announced, the announcement came at the same time for Moderators.

Hope this clears some bits up for you user added image

thanks for the reply.....good feedback we have here from far as the Resources...i know that holds links to BPs which isnt bad but maybe even a part where members can share their own concept art or whatever..i know it does get a bit complicated at far as everything else, ill go thruogh those links you posted when I have a moment....thanks again

Toyota Supra WIP

I create feeling in others that they themseleves don’t understand.
# 14 29-07-2008 , 01:55 AM
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No probs m8...

For Concept Art or references without watermarks try:

I have never posted it in the resources due to the copyright thing, and I have known artists to get a bit ticked off if you take and dont ask.

This is mine, but I never really update it

Chris (formerly R@nSiD)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will truely know peace - Jimmy Hendrix
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# 15 30-07-2008 , 07:26 PM
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it would be pretty cool if there were tutorials that show an entire project

from concept art to blocking out to details, to texturing, rigging, animating, then post in after effects or something

would be a long tutorial, but it would be quite nice to see

that's a "Ch" pronounced as a "K"

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