I started Maya 6.5 Unlimited on my Windows XP SP2 box today and it crashed while at the splash screen.
With its last breath, Maya gave me this error message in a dialog:
Fatal Error: Attempting to save in C/: Docume~/User/Local~1/Temp/
I think this is the temp file for the default scene. It was created properly - it was present at the given location, it could be read by Notepad and I checked my hard drive twice for corruption and bad sectors, nothing wrong.
I deleted the Maya settings, tried again, didn't work, reinstalled Maya twice, tried again, didn't work. I also tested my computer's memory, nothing wrong.
XP Pro's logs didn't give much indication as to what happened. I also reset my graphics drivers settings, but that didn't help.
I haven't changed any hardware and the installed software is the same as it always was. What could be causing this?
I really hope I don't have to reinstall Windows! :headbang:
C. P. U. Its not a big processor... Its a series of pipes!
Last edited by The Architect; 15-09-2008 at 10:22 AM.