is the error something like this?
polyToSubdiv -ap 0 -ch off -aut on -maxPolyCount 6000 -maxEdgesPerVert 32 |polySurface8|polySurfaceShape8;
// Error: polyToSubdiv1 (Poly To Subdiv Node): Cannot create subdivision surface as the resulting surface would have more base mesh faces (21848) than the maximum allowed (6000).
// To increase maximum allowed, change Maximum Base Mesh Faces in Convert to Subdiv Options. //
// Error: Command polyToSubdiv failed. Open Script Editor for details. //
you see where it says -maxPolyCount 6000? for you it probably says 1000 since that's the default
the error says that your mesh has too many polys for the sub-d algorithm to subdivide
this is solved by changing the "maximum base mesh faces". When you click Modify > Convert > Polygons to SubDiv click the box and you can change the limit there
read the first commented out line in the error message.
// Error: polyToSubdiv1 (Poly To Subdiv Node): Cannot create subdivision surface as the resulting surface would have more base mesh faces (21848) than the maximum allowed (6000).
this tells you that after the mesh ahs been converted to sub-d there will be 21848 polys (the number will be different for you), so this means you should change the "maximum base mesh faces" to 21848, although in practice you want to change it to a higher number, because you might make changes to the polygon mesh and then convert back to sub-d and get the same error again
my internet connection is so screwed up...
anyway, looks like you posted before i finished typing...
but my answer still applies
that's a "Ch" pronounced as a "K"
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Last edited by Chirone; 22-09-2008 at 12:15 AM.