importing tracking data to maya?
hey guys
i guess this is a newbie question maybe?
i have pftrack 2.0 and maya unlimited
i did an auto track and exported the data from pftrack to a .ma file
i then went to import this into maya
set aside, for some reason it doesnt show up in the mac book pro finder! i have to type it in the search and then it shows up for some reason?
i imported the .ma file from pftrack
it showed up green cross hairs, a camera, and a blank image plane
when i scrub through the timeline, the crosshairs/track point things move around but the camera stays static in the middle of the grid
how would i go about setting up a matchmove? i know i probably have to somehow import my image seq video to the camera or something but i cant figure it out
also once that set up how would i go about setting it some so the models are attached the the video when looking through the camera instead of still?
please help me!! it would be greatly appreciated thankyou