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# 1 08-12-2008 , 03:13 PM
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format time :( what OS?

well, it's that time of year for my computer, time to format, i've been putting it off for far too long and now she's in shambles user added image

but i'm stuck right now wondering what OS to use, it's either gonna stay as an XP box, or i'm gonna have a shot a linux, so i'm just wondering, what are the ups and downs of linux? i know XP in and out, i am the XP pro :p

i realize there's tons of different versions of linux too, so i'm lookin them all up right now, because this is the main thing stopping me from using linux

but yea, anyone have past experience with linux? think it's better than XP? worse? discuss people... ^_^

EDIT: Ubuntu looks cool... what about that?

EDIT 2: just startin d/ling that knoppix thing that apperently shows how linux will be, so we'll see how that goes :p

Last edited by Acid44; 08-12-2008 at 03:36 PM.
# 2 08-12-2008 , 03:40 PM
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Ubuntu FTW

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# 3 08-12-2008 , 03:41 PM
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Can you not run it under VM ware to see how it suits you prior to going over completly, for driver compatability etc etc?

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 4 08-12-2008 , 03:46 PM
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see, i dont know anything about these things so, what's VM ware? :p

Originally posted by louis56
Ubuntu FTW

lmao, any particular reason?

# 5 08-12-2008 , 03:56 PM
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Its a bit of software that allows you to run multiple OS systems on one PC, say I could have XP installed, then run Vista (or linux) on a "Vritual Machine" using VM ware, the simulated machine will be slightly slower but the advantage is you can test it out without having to actually install the OS on a hardware computer, like dual booting the OS.

If that makes sense.

So in your case you could run linux, see if you like it, if you dont just delete the virtual machine, or if you do, get all the stuff you know your need, via running the virtual machine and then swap over properly. (or dual boot)

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 6 08-12-2008 , 04:14 PM
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OH yea, that made sense, i guess i'll look into that then thanks user added image

but keep givin me input people user added image

# 7 09-12-2008 , 12:15 AM
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ok, so im on that knoppix thing right now, which is a CD booting version of linux, and so far it's pretty cool, i'm considering linux, but i have a few questions about it...

how does it handle windows apps?

would i still be able to run all my games?

and since im feeling too lazy to look it up, what are the modding capabilities in linux, as oppose to me being able to change EVERYTHING in windows... and i mean everything...

# 8 09-12-2008 , 12:19 AM
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Unless you're a programmer, a super nerd, a server, or completely disconnected from society, I don't really see the need to have Linux. :p

# 9 09-12-2008 , 12:27 AM
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haha, i'm totally disconnected from society :p

why is my text going red on the konqueror browser? im scared user added image

anyways... one thing im loving about this is the multiple desktops thing, it's really cool, keeps it clean, which i love :blush:

# 10 09-12-2008 , 12:48 AM
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I've got multiple desktops on my laptop, its just a download if you really want it, mine came with the GFX drivers, and gesture control. You'll get sick of it soon, I did.

I dont think you can run windows apps on it, or games, unless its via something like parallels, but like bootcamp with mac, why have a dog and bark yourself?

If your going to use it use it for propriatory stuff, that way you'll get the advantages of it with low overheads etc.

Remember that any new equipment may or may not work depending on drivers. And you'll be restricting yourself in that, as well as any other things you need to attach (as long as theres drivers remember to check first though)

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 11 09-12-2008 , 12:57 AM
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Originally posted by gster123
I dont think you can run windows apps on it, or games

that line right there just killed linux for me...

so what about ubuntu? i just ordered an ubuntu CD :p

can that run games and windows apps?

# 12 09-12-2008 , 02:11 AM
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Originally posted by acid44
that line right there just killed linux for me...

so what about ubuntu? i just ordered an ubuntu CD :p

can that run games and windows apps?

Dont think so. Theres probably some sort of strange version that will run windows stuff natively but it probalby would have lots of problems.

Linux's main power is real time hardware situations (machine/plant controlers)

"No pressure, no diamonds" Thomas Carlyle
# 13 09-12-2008 , 03:28 AM
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a ten second long uttering of the word damn just came from my mouth user added image

i guess i'm gonna hold on with windows until i get a new computer sometime soon then...

user added image for the help ^_^

# 14 09-12-2008 , 05:12 PM
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well there was back in the day when maya would only run on unix computers (so we just had a lab full of SGI workstations)... i don't think windows could run it til 3.0 - can't remember what version, just knew we had 2.0 in the labs and the upgrade to 2.5 was bitchin'...

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# 15 09-12-2008 , 06:02 PM
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well i remember you once saying that you were a gamer then vista would be great for you directX10 baby(nway most games will be completely utilising that soon) so long as you have lots of ram you should be ok

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