Luminaire - Project: Animation
So, after using Maya on and off for years, I never really got into the animation part of it. I guess I never really just understood it. So, I decided to model something simple, and animate it doing little things. I had a lamp sitting next to me, so I figured what the heck. As much as it copies Pixar, i dont care. Im not trying to make any money off it, its mearly for practicing. Anywho', here's what Ive gotten so far. Oh, and I named him "Luminaire", if you havent gotten that yet.
Very first test I did.
Second test. I tried to make him kind of shy, and not wanting anyone to see him. Its abit rough/jumpy, but not too bad for the experiene I have, I think.
The third, I decided to try and mess around with some dynamics. Adding a gravity field, and using passive/active rigid bodies. The falling ball had zero keyframes, but the lamp had a few. I tried making him look confused. When the ball stops bouncing, he looks up at the camea, like "did you just see that too?". Then he looks around the room, to see if anyone else saw it. Then looks back up at the camera, almost confused.
Opinions? Comments? Im trying to better myself as an animator, so crits are more than welcome.
**If the videos dont play, its because I JUST uploaded them onto Youtube, and it takes abit for them to fully upload.**
- Hybrid