Anyways, (as i think it's obvious), I am a complete noob to Maya and computer animation in general. I took a class in Alice but that really didnt help me understand more about Maya and 3DS Max.
I have a few noob questions if you guys can bare with me.
As a film student I was thinking of creating indie animation movies. Theoretically it's easier than managing stuff like lighting, sets, weather, etc in real life as all that can be a headache as well as getting location permissions.
I talked to a friend who's a computer science major and I wanted to know if creating something like this is possible on Maya: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_NZb...x=0&playnext=1
And yes I do know that's from a large budget video game (Mass Effect). But my friend told me that with large amounts of time and dedication. I will probably be able to recreate a movie with the same quality as that using Maya.
Is an animated movie (like Mass Effect) feasible for me to do alone? Is it really possible for me to animate and model something like that Mass Effect cutscene? Is my friend just saying what I want to hear?
Any feedback, comments or opinions would be very welcome. Also, if this was possible for me to do, how long would it take me to learn all the skills I need to create this? 2 years? 5 years?
As you can see I am completely in the dark on how I want to proceed with my ideas. I want to know if this is possible or if I'm just having a pipe dream.
Thanks very much for your time