wow! sorry about the double post. Not sure how I managed that one.
My main system has been upgrading from vista business x64 to windows 7 x64 for just shy of 24 hours straight now!
This upgrade process is whacked! What the hell is it doing? Trying to compute a solution to correct the world economy! 24 hours! I could have wiped my drive clean, done a clean OS install, installed all the patches and drivers, installed all my 100 GB of software, installed all the patches and updates, re-installed plugins, recreated all my data by now and have been using the machine instead of watching it sit there (and not give a god damn clue to what it's been doing for a full f'ing day!).
God I really hate Microsoft! I found part of the problem and ironically it was from a .dll associated with an Apple product! The iphone application - which I REMOVED along with itunes BEFORE starting the install - leaves time bombs in the god damn registry and causes the entire upgrade to become buluxed at 62% completion and the only solution is to stop the install, spend 4 hours rolling back to vista, adding one god damn system variable instructing the windows 7 installer to ignore the iphsvc.dll and then restarting the entire 24 hour upgrade installation process!
And you want to know what the really horrific thing is? I can almost assure you that in the end I will end up having to wipe the god damn drive clean and do a complete clean install. I just know it!
A POX upon Microsoft AND Apple I say! A POX upon you!
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton, 1675
Last edited by ctbram; 07-02-2010 at 01:49 AM.