I tried to figure out how to do it using hypershade, but I just can' t get it right.

Without the swatches file I cannot load my jpegs on my scene...... snif...snof

Actually I do click on a new Lambert first, but thanks for pointing it out anyway.Chirone is correct Terry...create a new lambert...name it accordingly (front_ref) or similar. See what size the image is...just in case..I find if they are bigger tahn a meg Maya doesnt like it. Otherwise as Chirone said..open the file and save as a tiff or something else...that usually works. As Terry has shown (NEW LAMBERT!!) do it his way....there may also be a glitch in hypershade...
cheers bullet
Glad I could help Vicky. From one newbie to another.Thank you so so much!!!!!
I checked the image size, it was ok. So I saved the jpeg into tiff, just as Chirone suggested.
I did what TerryG showed and it worked.....![]()
I' m so happy now... thanks thanks thanks!!!!
Ciao Ciao!!!