Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
Hey, im a dark kinda person and i prefer working with dark layouts. Is there any way to customise the "skin" of the maya layout so that it is based on blacks? Thanks.
"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha
If you want to change the background colour, go to window>Settings/Preferences>colors. To change the default object color, change the lambert1 color in hypershade.
Yea, actaully mine is set to black background and green grid
How to change colors in Maya
by Josh LaRoe
Ok so you want to know how to change your colors in maya do you? Ok so first we will change the colors of the background and grid to make them contrast, so you can still see the grid when modeling, which will help if they are form totaly different sides of the spectrum [ie=black/green].
Open: Windows>Prefrences>Colors
Here is where the items that you may want to change:
3D Views
User defined
Not really sure what these change
Is if you turn ghosting on in the display menu
Is the heads up display
The colors for animation tools.
Animation Editors
Editors in the animation menu
Changes the colors in the multilister
Render view
Changes the colors in the render view
Changes the colors in the hypershade/hypergraph.
Changes the outliner colors.
Trax Editor
Changes the colors in the Trax Editor
To change the color of the grid go to:
Display>Grid [] option box. This is where you can change the colors for that along with all of the atributes associated with the grid. Let me know if you need any help.
Hope this helps...
How to fly:
"...aim for the ground and miss..."
Last edited by deviantdreamworks; 28-01-2003 at 02:09 AM.
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