This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
Just finding my way around again now my uni term as finished and just got back from hols just following an old tut..
I am having trouble using birail2 on my curves from the 1st pic, I am tring to create the bonnet but for some reason the birail tool wont work I have made sure all my curves are cut and connected for the front bonnet...
Gotta say while I have been studying you have come on leaps and bounds seems like yesterday we were both at starting blocks but your light years away now ...keep it up buddy I be right behind you..
Another thing ben you did a matte painting course didnt you, which onw was it and have you got any deatails ???
Doh glad to hear you solved the problem. I was looking at the images and you were sure to mention that all the curves were connected.
Not having all the curves connected is one of the top reasons birail will fail. Also remember to rebuild your curves (or check the attributes and make sure they have uniform parameterization the start and end spans are whole integer values). As you cut and reconnect curves the parameterization can become non-uniform and this will create problems.
Also be sure the rails have equal spans and again that they have uniform parameterization.
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton, 1675
When I go to render my scene the scene actually looks broken from the rendered image when I use mental ray. Maybe If i show you it will be easier, added a blinn to the surface and also a hdri image on the dome to reflect the light, but it look like it is been rendered in a 8 bit computer.
!image is what I am trying to render 2nd is the actual render
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