This course will look at the fundamentals of modeling in Maya with an emphasis on creating good topology. We'll look at what makes a good model in Maya and why objects are modeled in the way they are.
Hi there,
this is my first model created in Maya. Still need to unwrap and texture it but I don't know where to start with mapping as I have never done it yet.
Hope you enjoy it
Thanks dave! I have been working with 3DS Max for about 6 months and then I've chosen Maya. This is my first project in it except of one negligible model....
ah good I was going to recommend changing the camera environment color but I see you have figured that out. Also, in the same camera options I usually change the lens focal length from the default 35mm to a portrait FL of 85mm. With this you will get less perspective distortion. Wires look nice and clean good work.
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton, 1675
Thanks ctbram! Next time I'll try to change that lens. Also would like to ask you which tool should I use to unwrap it...Headus UV Layout or basic Maya tools?? 'cause I would like to texture it as well but as I said, still newbie with it.
its a nice model. If you were going to perfect it then i would say it needs to have some seams where the wood parts are separate. The neck for example is connected to the body, then when you smoothed it there was not enough geometry to hold the sharp connection. I think it looks a little wobbly around the f-holes. Its always hard to tell why when a model is smooth.
it's been a while since I've posted here but now I'm coming with few new images about UV's. I have chosen Headus UV Layout programme and there it is. Still not so perfects 'cause I am newbie with that but I tried to do it as best as I could. What do you think about spots where the mesh had been cutted ?
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