Chris (formerly R@nSiD) Twitter When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will truely know peace - Jimmy Hendrix Winner SM VFX Challenge 1 3rd Place SM SteamPunk Challenge (May 2007)
Mike question for youuuu. The anti aircraft gun, I noticed that the wireframe shots (mainly the second one) wasn't triangulated like some of the other stuff, I even saw a fair bit of n-gons, was that like the pre-bake high res version or something? I'm a bit curious as how the game asset stuff works.
The 2nd wireframe image was of the high resolution mesh that was used to bake the normal maps. The first wireframe image is the low-res, in-game mesh. Both show n-gons, mainly because most modern game engines will automatically triangulate a model when it is imported. The main time you need to worry about that is if the engine triangulates it incorrectly and the surface shows triangulation artifacts. if it doesn't, it's fine.
Here's those images for those who don't want to have to navigate the site to see what we're talking about.
I didn't know engines did that, I thought it was on the artist to triangulate beforehand. Are the game engines' triangulation algorithms usually safer/better than that of modeling packages? Sorry I'm full of questions today <3
Also render engine like MR triangulate at render time, that what the calculation crap is while you wait for it to compute 'Final Gather Rays' for example. Thats why it takes so bloody long. Renderman works differently though as it calculates in Lines/chunks....hence it being faster, it still triangulates just better at it LOL
Oh, yeah, I'm coming at this strictly from the environment art perspective. Characters and the like you'd want to do properly to have the best control.
My boss would stab me if I had a huge face like that as anything but quads D:
Different engines and fields though, don't think ours automatically triangulates, not sure though
Like the site, straight to the point. What happened to the tutorials though? Was looking for your blueprint set up tutorial a couple weeks ago for a friend :p
I was just using these as examples of triangulation....also because of the aforementioned deforming too......its all up there^ read and it will make sense
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