sorry if its in the wrong section.
I stumbled on the following error.
i declared a float in the beginning of my script then when i used it in a procedure to read uot the value of a floatslidergroup it was longer recognized as a float and produced an error for some reason when using the variable with sinh.
after checking it did hold the right data that i had put into it. and when changing the variable with the amount directly the error stopped. but thats not the solution as the variable is user input related.
now when i changed a line in the code (marked between a double //********* comment line) the code will work fine. but as you can see then i redefine that same float variable again as a float variable. because i already defined it at the beginning of the script.
so whats the point of declaring them all in the beginning? does this mean i will have to type everywhere "float" in front of my var's when i use them? doesnt make any sence right?
i isolated the error in a piece of code that still functions without having to upload the entire code.
the variable in question is : float $StellingMinimumAfstandStraal;
thanks in advance.
ps. i did try to make the variables global. it didnt make a difference.
pps : sorry for my not so perfect english ^^
string $TankStellingUI; float $Ligger070;// = 0.732 float $Ligger100;// = 1.088 float $Ligger150;// = 1.572 float $Ligger200;// = 2.072 float $Ligger250;// = 2.572 float $Ligger300;// = 3.072 float $Diagonnal070;// = 2.095 float $Diagonaal100;// = 2.227 float $Diagonaal150;// = 2.478 float $Diagonaal200;// = 2.803 float $Diagonaal250;// = 3.173 float $Diagonaal300;// = 3.575 float $Angle070Minimum; float $Angle100Minimum; float $Angle150Minimum; float $Angle200Minimum; float $Angle250Minimum; float $Angle300Minimum; float $Angle070Maximum; float $Angle100Maximum; float $Angle150Maximum; float $Angle200Maximum; float $Angle250Maximum; float $Angle300Maximum; float $TankDiameter; float $TankHoogte; float $TankStraal; float $TankOmtrek; float $StellingMinimumAfstandStraal; float $StellingMaximumAfstandStraal; float $StellingBreedte; //nakijken //float $ScaffoldDistance; //float $ScaffoldStraal; //float $MoveScaffoldUp; //float $NewTankOmtrek; //float $NewTankDiameter; //float $MoveTankUp; // einde nakijken //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Procedures Start // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////// // Updating Sliders // ////////////////////// proc UpdateTankOmtrek(){ $TankDiameter = `floatSliderGrp -q -value TankDiameter`; floatSliderGrp -e -value (2*3.1415*($TankDiameter/2)) TankOmtrek; } proc UpdateTankDiameter(){ $TankOmtrek = `floatSliderGrp -q -value TankOmtrek`; floatSliderGrp -e -value (($TankOmtrek/(2*3.1415))*2) TankDiameter; } /////////////////// // Bouw Stelling // /////////////////// proc BouwStelling(){ /////////////////////////////// // Lees Gebruikers Input uit // /////////////////////////////// $TankDiameter = `floatSliderGrp -q -value TankDiameter`; $TankHoogte = `floatSliderGrp -q -value TankHoogte`; $TankStraal = $TankDiameter/2; $MoveTankUp = $TankHoogte / 2; $MoveScaffoldUp = $TankHoogte / 2; //******************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************** $StellingMinimumAfstandStraal = `floatSliderGrp -q -value MinimumAfstand`; //float $StellingMinimumAfstandStraal = `floatSliderGrp -q -value MinimumAfstand`; //******************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************** $StellingMinimumAfstandStraal = $StellingMinimumAfstandStraal + $TankStraal; $StellingMaximumAfstandStraal = `floatSliderGrp -q -value MaximumAfstand`; $StellingMaximumAfstandStraal = $StellingMaximumAfstandStraal + $TankStraal; $Ligger070 = 0.732; $Ligger100 = 1.088; $Ligger150 = 1.572; $Ligger200 = 2.072; $Ligger250 = 2.572; $Ligger300 = 3.072; $Diagonnal070 = 2.095; $Diagonaal100 = 2.227; $Diagonaal150 = 2.478; $Diagonaal200 = 2.803; $Diagonaal250 = 3.173; $Diagonaal300 = 3.575; /////////////////////// // Tank Opbouw Start // /////////////////////// if(`objExists Tank`) { select -r Tank; doDelete; } circle -name "Tank" -center 0 0 0 -normal 0 1 0 -sweep 360 -radius $TankStraal -degree 3 -useTolerance 0 -tolerance 0.01 -sections 8 -constructionHistory 1; ////////////////////// // Tank Opbouw Stop // ////////////////////// /////////////////////////// // Stelling OpBouw Start // /////////////////////////// if(`objExists StellingMinimumAfstandBinnenRing`) { select -r StellingMinimumAfstandBinnenRing; doDelete; } if(`objExists StellingMinimumAfstandBuitenRing`) { select -r StellingMinimumAfstandBuitenRing; doDelete; } if(`objExists StellingMaximumAfstandBinnenRing`) { select -r StellingMaximumAfstandBinnenRing; doDelete; } if(`objExists StellingMaximumAfstandBuitenRing`) { select -r StellingMaximumAfstandBuitenRing; doDelete; } $StellingBreedte = $Ligger100; circle -name "StellingMinimumAfstandBinnenRing" -center 0 0 0 -normal 0 1 0 -sweep 360 -radius $StellingMinimumAfstandStraal -degree 3 -useTolerance 0 -tolerance 0.01 -sections 8 -constructionHistory 1; //circle -name "StellingMinimumAfstandBuitenRing" -center 0 0 0 -normal 0 1 0 -sweep 360 -radius ($StellingMinimumAfstandStraal + $StellingBreedte) -degree 3 -useTolerance 0 -tolerance 0.01 -sections 8 -constructionHistory 1; circle -name "StellingMaximumAfstandBinnenRing" -center 0 0 0 -normal 0 1 0 -sweep 360 -radius $StellingMaximumAfstandStraal -degree 3 -useTolerance 0 -tolerance 0.01 -sections 8 -constructionHistory 1; //circle -name "StellingMaximumAfstandBuitenRing" -center 0 0 0 -normal 0 1 0 -sweep 360 -radius ($StellingMaximumAfstandStraal + $StellingBreedte) -degree 3 -useTolerance 0 -tolerance 0.01 -sections 8 -constructionHistory 1; // new code start /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////: $Angle250Minimum = 2*(sinh(($Ligger250/2)/($StellingMinimumAfstandStraal + $StellingBreedte))); text -e -label ($Angle250Minimum+" "+$Ligger250+" "+$StellingMinimumAfstandStraal + " "+$StellingBreedte) InfoLabel; print("*************************************** " ); print($Angle250Minimum); print("\n"); // new code end /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //text -e -label $Angle250Minimum InfoLabel; } ////////////////////////// // Stelling OpBouw Stop // ////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Procedures End // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UI for the ScaffoldingWindow // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // check for window and delete if needed // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (`window -exists TankStellingUI`) { deleteUI -window TankStellingUI; } /////////////////////////////////////////////// // Creating The TankStellingUI Window String // /////////////////////////////////////////////// $TankStellingUI = `window -title "Scaffolding" -widthHeight 300 250 TankStellingUI`; /////////////////////////////////////////// // Creating TankStellingUI Window Layout // /////////////////////////////////////////// scrollLayout scrollLayout; columnLayout -adjustableColumn true; frameLayout -labelVisible false -borderStyle "in"; ///////////////////////////////////// // Creating TankStellingUI Sliders // ///////////////////////////////////// columnLayout; separator; floatSliderGrp -field true -label "Tank Diameter" -minValue 0 -maxValue 50 -step 0.01 -value 10 -changeCommand "UpdateTankOmtrek" -dragCommand "UpdateTankOmtrek" TankDiameter; separator; floatSliderGrp -field true -label "Tank Omtrek" -minValue 0 -maxValue 157 -step 0.01 -value 31.42 -changeCommand "UpdateTankDiameter" -dragCommand "UpdateTankDiameter" TankOmtrek; separator; floatSliderGrp -field true -label "Tank Hoogte" -minValue 0 -maxValue 50 -step 0.01 -value 12 TankHoogte; separator; floatSliderGrp -field true -label "Minimum Afstand" -minValue 0 -maxValue 1 -step 0.01 -value 0.30 MinimumAfstand; separator; floatSliderGrp -field true -label "Maximum Afstand" -minValue 0 -maxValue 1 -step 0.01 -value 0.40 MaximumAfstand; separator; button -label "Bouw Stelling" -command "BouwStelling"; text -label "Onbekend" InfoLabel; //////////////////////////////// // Show TankStellingUI Window // //////////////////////////////// showWindow $TankStellingUI; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // End Of UI the ScaffoldingWindow // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////