I have come about issues where moving a vertice turns into an (noticable) incremental movement, where you can see the vertice kinda jumpt to its next location. I'm not sure why this is. I haven't bothered to figure it out.
Maybe it has something to do with me, setting the units to Centimeters and not Meters. OR maybe not.
So, I wonder, how do one change the accuracy, if you want your vertices and the like to be able to move with even less distance, than what seems possible at the present time!?!
About nurbs:
There are some issues you should know about to make you experience easier, when dealing with nurbs. I raise some issues for you.
1) A nurbs surface is always a foursided(edges) surface, with two directions on the surface, known as the U and V direction (which may be different from time to time, you may find it neccessary to reverse or switch these in due time, not a problem)
2) So if you cut into a nurbs surface, you "disturb" the flow of the surface, and maya does not let you attatch trimmed surfaces to each other. The solution is simple; project the curves you want to the surfaces, but wait with the trimming if you need to attatch the nurbs-surface to an other one.
OR do the trimming (if you are eager to see a result) + use the "untrim" tool to remove the holes (you get to keep your surface curves!) + attatch the appropriate four sided nurbs-surfaces + and finally use the trim tool to get the shape/form you want.
3) Nurbs-surfaces is hell to texture, if I have understood it right. As you cannot project, say a drawing, directly onto a surface, like you can with polys (planar prjojection), you need to convert the nurbs-surface to polys later on.
This isn't that hard. The latest update on the ugly duckling is 95% polys.
I made an effort to keep the nurbs-surfaces together, so that I didn't need to concern myself too much, about stitching the poly-surfaces together later on. The (trimmed )wing was one nurbs-object. Converting it was a real joy 
4) Having the history button enabled, you can make a nurbs-surface, in any way, and adjust its constitutive curves, and see the newly created nurbs-surface adjust itself after the curves. If you delete the history (delete by type --> history) you loose the ability to modify the shape in the way mentioned above.
5) Although it takes some practice (imho) you can manipulate a nurbs-surface in amazing ways, e.g by pulling cv's.
6) The surface tools for nurbs, may give you some headache, but I trust you can use any other tool if your first choice turns out to be too difficult to use. EDIT: Scrap this, I cannot promise anything here, but I usually find a way out.
7) Curves are a part of the nurbs modeling. Just post the question if there is something that doesn't work the way you want 
There are easy solutions to newbie problems
I do not support Bush! Nor Saddam! Long live UN!
Last edited by undseth; 03-02-2003 at 06:44 AM.