refractive samples change material color
Hi guys!
I have some really weird problem here with a refractive material.
working with mia_material_x,
usually I testrender with refraction/reflection samples of 8. for final render I up the samples (low glossiness) to something like 64.
now in the final render the glass loses all its white shinyness and cool transparent look. the outcome is much darker than the preview rendering. if I compare both rendered glass sparts, the one with 8 samples has some lightgrey areas, a lot of white parts and pure transparent areas, whereas the 64 sample rendering for the same object shows a lot of darkgrey, some nearly black areas and all white areas are much less whitish. almost like you lay a dark occlusion map on top of it.
disabling cast and receive shadows on refractive objects makes almost no difference.
seems to be a pure sampling effect.
any ideas or is this normal behavior?
everything starts and ends in the right place at the right time.
Last edited by Falott; 13-04-2012 at 08:58 AM.