Textures/UV's not working for some objects
I'm using exactly the same procedure for my objects, but some work and others don't.
In Hypershade, I created a lambert, connected a FILE node to its COLOR and used a targa image as the file. This is the network I'm using for all my objects however the strangest thing is that it works for some and not for others.
When I use the same non-working shader network onto another object that was working with another shader network, it works. Similarly, if I use a tested working shader network onto the non-working objects, it doesn't work. I might be wrong but because of this I feel it's the object that is the problem.
Please help! I have my student project due in a few weeks. Thanks in advance.
Animation student!
Last edited by isabellasouth; 12-07-2012 at 09:24 PM.