Here is the barebones scene with no special effects:

Here, I increase the glow intensity of the green cube to 0.2. Looks fine.

Then, I increase the glow intensity of the yellow bar to 0.2 as well. So far so good...

Here's where it gets hairy. If I increase the intensity of one of them to 0.4, the other object's intensity appears to increase as well! Even though I didn't change the other object's value, and Maya (2011) says that it's still at 0.2!

And that's not the only way to affect other objects' apparant intensities. Below is a comparison of both objects at 0.2 again, and then all I did was scale the cube down to 0.1. Look what that did to the intensity of the yellow bar:

Why is it behaving this way and how do I make it stop? It seems like maya is 'compensating' the glow intensities of objects so they don't seem washed out when other objects get too bright(?). Whatever it is, it's totally wrecking my plans.
Any insight is very much appreciated!