I have not done much Maya work in years so please excuse the possible rudimentary nature of this question with all the great talent here it may seem rather newbie!
I have to do a rather straight forward cam fly around of a master-planned community. I set up a quick test scene to get the basic lighting blocked it. I used automated lights and standard lights and I am not really thrilled about the lighting but my larger issue is that I am getting unexpected and undesired effects happening.
I have attached two images to illustrate the two issues I am having-firstly you will see some lines in the textures causing almost cross hatching or diamonds (I have indicated these).
Second, the objects, though only textured with simple lambert base shaders, seem to have this sort of burned or dirty look to them. I am curious if this is just bad lighting job or some other setting I am missing?
I am ok if the answer is just I am a crappy lighter if it comes with a tip or two
