Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
this is still a WIP..........
the character is rigged and ready to animate
i'll post more renders soon with progress
comments and crits are welcome hehehehe
i'm a 3d learner and need advices to improve my work, TKS!
Nice lighting! I especially like the light overbleeding from the windows.
Couple of tiny suggestions.
- How about some slight fog to simulate dust in the air?
- Some irregularities on the guy's hat would make it a bit more interesting...
Very nice!, what kind of render time did you have with it? and what kinda light setup you using?.
KBrown did make a good point about the dust and irregularities in the hat, it would make everything a bit more "interesting" also add a bit of environment to it. Perhaps even dirty up his clothes a bit. Add a little rust to the chainmail, btw, how did you make the mail? A texture?.
My bad, i just realized it wasnt chainmail but a shirt hehehe.
looks good but lets think about something else... the light coming toward him is yellowish witch indicates dusk or sunrise... the window lights are very bright, whitch indicate mid-day... so witch one is it?
thank you guys for your comments
there are things that i didn't mention before:
-the guy's clothes are really maya cloth...i wanted to try it out...thats why they didn't come out as detailed as i wanted because i don't "master" the cloth techniques, (as in the contruction of the cloth object itself), but the animation tests i did are promissing and of my satisfaction the lack of detail in the clothes are compensated with a very realistic simulaton during the animation.
- i will post more angles of the scene so that u guys can have a clearer view of the environment.....the red light coming toward him is originated in a furnace with hot liquid metal...(but i didn't mention it so you coudn't guess heheheh).
and maybe i exagerated in the translucence from his skin....
the anlgle isn't the best though
anyway thanks for replying...i will make changes...thank you all once again
ohhhh i forgot.....
it's the standard maya renderer.....the lighting it's made from scratch by me...no globes....no GI....no FG....no blah blah blah
it takes about 30 seconds on my dual xeon 2.8 2Gb RAM hhihihihihihihihi
mayve if i have the time ill post a renderman version of it (although it will take time, have to remake the shaders).......i'm descovering the true meaning of good a renderer, btw mental ray sux
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