Beer glass scene creation
This course contains a little bit of everything with modeling, UVing, texturing and dynamics in Maya, as well as compositing multilayered EXR's in Photoshop.
# 1 07-03-2014 , 02:28 PM
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Creating a simple edge.

I am trying to create the edge shown in the image. I know I can use the Split Polygon tool, but getting the outer vertice at exactly the right height is what is tripping me up. I would like it to be at the same height as the inner vertice.

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# 2 07-03-2014 , 03:49 PM
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You can place the vertex with the Split polygon tool wherever you want. After that, go into vertex mode and with the move tool, press first the V key, hold it and then grab the up arrow and point with your mouse pointer to the other vertex. This will align the vertex on the exact height.

Good luck.

# 3 07-03-2014 , 04:17 PM
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That gives the following result. I tried snapping methods before, but I cannot preserve the edge the outer vertice is upon. I need 1) the edge of the hexagon to be preserved and 2) the vertice to be at the same height as the inner vertice of the edge I'm creating.

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# 4 07-03-2014 , 05:28 PM
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Try changing the axis of the move tool with "set to face". Click the side of the hexagon to get your move tool in that axis, then use your snapping to get them aligned.

# 5 07-03-2014 , 06:11 PM
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Works like a charm. Thanks.

# 6 08-03-2014 , 04:34 AM
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Well, I thought I had figured this out, but now that I have had to do the same snapping thing on another hexagon, I can't figure it out again.

I seem to be able to orient the move tool to an edge or face just fine, but when I try to snap it, it goes off in some bizarre direction. I even tried creating another plain hexagon again and trying what I had to do the first time on simpler geometry, but I can't even get that to work now.

Here is exactly what I'm doing:
-select the object
-click Set to Face in the Move Tool Options
-click on the diagonal face on the side of the hexagon where the vertices are that I want to move
-vertex mode
-select the two vertices
-click on the axis I want to snap on (yellow in the picture)
-hold down v
-middle-mouse click and drag a little on a vertex on the line I want the vertices snapped to (red line in image)

The vertices always stay on the axis I'm moving them on, but they are no where near the height of the red line. I hope someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong. I made sure to try this on a fresh hexagon just to make sure something wasn't wrong with my geometry as well.

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# 7 08-03-2014 , 07:52 AM
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Are you sure it's not a perspective thing? If you check them out in the side or front view do they line up?

Cheers, the Yeti.
# 8 08-03-2014 , 12:15 PM
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If you are suggesting that they are lined up and I'm just not realizing it, no that is not the case. The images I uploaded are not what the vertices look like after I've snapped them. When I snap them, they go below the object completely or near the bottom. They definitely are not lined up.

But if you are suggesting to try snapping them from an orthographic perspective, I have tried that and it doesn't seem to work either.

I uploaded a video to youtube to show exactly what is happening. The first snap attempt is a curve snap. The rest are attempted vertex snaps. mayasnappingproblem - YouTube

I really appreciate the help with this. It is generous for you professionals to take time out of your day to help someone like me.

# 9 08-03-2014 , 12:23 PM
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With the move tool selected press the insert button then snap ( C button) to a vertex that you want to be your pivot then press the insert key again now that's your pivot you can now snap to any other vert on another object.............dave

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# 10 08-03-2014 , 12:35 PM
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Thanks for the reply daverave. You and lecra are correct about vertex snapping. Unfortunately, what you have described does not solve my problem because it does not meet the criteria I explained in my second post.

The z/x coordinates need to be preserved so that it stays exactly on the diagonal edge.

# 11 08-03-2014 , 01:44 PM
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Could you show us what you are trying to create as there might be a better solution.............dave

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# 12 08-03-2014 , 02:50 PM
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I am creating various parts of a robot that all share a hexagonal design. It is not just one object I am creating, but many. I do not set out to model a specific design, but rather I play around with the geometry until I find something that I like for the design. So although I could tell you that I am trying to create a connector from one actuator to another for the joints of the robot and you could tell me how to easily create one, I have about 1000 other hexagonal designs to mess around with for the many other parts. That is why I am looking for an easy way to snap vertices on a diagonal edge to a specific height without jeopardizing the integrity of the straightness of the diagonal edge.

The following image is the workaround I have come up with, but it takes a long time and booleans are unreliable with complex geometry. If the boolean does not work, I end up having to add in extra steps where I separate faces to simplify the geometry, do the boolean, then add them back to the original geometry, and merge the vertices.

So it would be nice to figure out how to simply grab the vertices and just snap them to a specific height, while preserving their x/z coordinates.

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# 13 08-03-2014 , 03:45 PM
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You can do as I have suggested then you can click on the direction arrow that you want to move in this will change it to yellow now snap to there you want to go to.........dave

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# 14 08-03-2014 , 04:26 PM
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Everything I try using your method violates the criteria I set forth about preserving the straightness of the diagonal edge.

# 15 08-03-2014 , 06:35 PM
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In the move setting try ticking "retain component spacing"...........dave

Edit: sorry just looked at your video as far as I know there is no tool setting that will do this you would be better lining up the cut face tool in side view

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Last edited by daverave; 09-03-2014 at 12:31 AM.
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