Why is my Model getting Auto-Shaded Black? [SOLVED]
I know I'm still a total noob at this stuff but I want to learn more about maya and using it. However, one of the parts of it that is really irritating the crap out of me lately is the fact that when I start modeling I noticed sometimes my model will go completely dark black in certain faces or areas.
It's almost like it's being auto-shadowed or shaded black or something. I assume I am doing something wrong? I find it extremely annoying to the point that I stop using maya for awhile because it irritates me so much since it starts blocking my view when I am trying to model.
Can someone tell me what I did here and is it worth fixing it? Or is there a way to maneuver around this better so I can learn more about Maya and continue with it...
An example of this is in the screenshot below. I applied a texture to it but as you can see the black area blocks that and it irritates me for some reason. Did I miss something somewhere that does that?
Last edited by Deygus80; 19-06-2014 at 03:47 AM.
Reason: I figured it out