if (`exists contextPolyToolsObjectUserMM`) contextPolyToolsObjectUserMM $parent; return 1; }
whatIs performPolyBevel;
textureWindowCreatePopupContextMenu "polyTexturePlacementPanel1popupMenusShift";
whatIs textureWindowCreatePopupContextMenu
I was just revisiting this idea today, and I made some progress with this script and the idea of the filterExpand command (https://download.autodesk.com/us/maya...rExpand.html):2. If I would like to create my own context sensitive menu, like the ones I talk about at the top of this post, do you think that it would be difficult? Any tips on how to go about doing that? The way I see it you could create for example a NURBS editing menu, using the already existing polygon menus as a template, and then in the dagMenuProc.mel tell Maya to display said menu if what you're clicking at is a NURBS surface, or even more detailed - displaying different menus depending on if you've selected a vertex point, isoparm or hull etc.
string $selection[] = `ls -long -selection`; for ($i = 0; $i<100; $i++){ string $selectionList[] = `filterExpand -expand false -selectionMask $i $selection`; if (0 != `size($selectionList)`) { print ("Selection Mask: " + $i + "\n"); } }
switch ($nt) { ... case "mesh": $maskList[0] = "edge"; $maskList[1] = "vertex"; $maskList[2] = "facet"; $maskList[3] = "puv"; $maskList[4] = "pvf"; $maskList[5] = "meshComponents"; break; ...