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# 1 19-02-2003 , 10:55 PM
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Playing around...

I thought I should post this just for fun...

I was trying out some compositing software and I was playing around so if you want to see user added image

(by the way, dont mind the music, and no, I'm not hispanic)

Click here


# 2 19-02-2003 , 11:06 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Denmark
Posts: 338
Hi Emo,

Nice beat in it... user added image



Alex V. U. Strarup

One mistake can ruin it all...
# 3 19-02-2003 , 11:06 PM
dbirider's Avatar
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i like how the ending just brings everything together user added image

# 4 19-02-2003 , 11:25 PM
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i'm .....::::user added image::::...... .... but the ending part..??!!...
hey, it brought me back into this world... :-) hehe

# 5 19-02-2003 , 11:43 PM
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hehehe, I knew you guys would like the ending user added image


# 6 20-02-2003 , 12:30 AM
englar's Avatar
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jesus loves you!
# 7 20-02-2003 , 03:21 AM
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Simply Maya OG
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- Hybrid
# 8 20-02-2003 , 06:32 AM
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Nice work, couldn't handle the music thouser added image

gimme everything u got
# 9 20-02-2003 , 06:45 AM
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awww.. the music was the best part user added image

it's really weird I like this music.. I'm totaly white but I like Spanish Reggae... go figure.. user added image

maybe because 80% of the people around here are Puerto Ricans? (You guys should see girls here... WOW..just wow) user added image


# 10 20-02-2003 , 09:44 AM
Join Date: Jan 2003
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Posts: 338
I thought there was quite a nice beat in it... however I didn't understand what they were singing... but luckyli drums are universal... user added image

when I get better to make something in maya, I think I might try to make a video of some kind to some music I have made a couple of years ago... -->

maybe an little action movie, but I'm not sure the mood in the music will fit Action... however it is first sometime in the future I will worry about that... user added image



# 11 20-02-2003 , 06:05 PM
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Simply Maya OG
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hey strarup, I like the music. but as you said, I dont think the mood of the music will fit an action video. Just out of curiosity, what did u use to make the music?

- Hybrid
# 12 21-02-2003 , 09:19 AM
Join Date: Jan 2003
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Posts: 338
Hi BsPnthr12,

I have used a MIDI program called "voyetra" that came with my Soundblaster 16 soundcard back in 1995... a very good program that could be on one 1,44 Mb diskette... it also works on win2000... that is my favourite program when I work with Midi music... user added image

some of the melody i have played on the piano and recorded in Midi with "Voyetra"... and some of the things I can't play myself, I experimented with some notes, accord, scales etc. with some of the music theory I learned while I had piano lessons... e.g. what will it sound like if I place a note here and here, giving it this duration etc. one of those things is the Piano part of the music from the "Winterjam"... that is made by experimenting with the accord and placing the notes... user added image

I recorded the Midi music with a taperecorder, and from the taperecorder back to the computer, where I then transformed it to MP3... but since I have recorded it I have got a new computer and a new soundcard... so I maybe doing a update of it... to see if I can give it a little better sound quality...

and other intrumental number I also have made is this one... "Samba Summer"... -->
the quality of this piece isn't very good... becuase there also is a piece of guitar together with... the "Winter Jam in January" was directly from the computer to the taperecorder, but this piece had also a microphone attached, which gave a bit more noise... user added image

btw. what kind of mood do you think, the music will fit to, e.g. genre if it should be used to an video?



# 13 21-02-2003 , 06:11 PM
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Simply Maya OG
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You know, I cant think of what it would fit into right now. But Ill get back to you on that.

- Hybrid
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