I am trying to create a character based off of this concept, it's just a rough draft created by a friend of mine...

and I am trying to start off by modeling the harness.
I've seen modelers modeling the clothes separate from the body, but that can run into some issues when it comes to rigging and skinning.
I feel I need to model the harness directly onto the model so it doesn't move away from him when rigging and skinning.
The way I tried modeling it in Maya 2014 was by using the "Cut faces" tool and splitting the vertices diagonally directly on the center of his chest, and I get this...

as you can see, I get a nice curvature that goes from his chest to his back.

But when I smooth it, I get this issue, because the split lines are interfering with the other polygons, creating triangles and n-gons...

Extruding it won't be any better, it will still be rough around the edges because of the triangles and n-gons.
For a clearer representation, I'm trying to create a harness that looks like this on a man's chest...

But I can't think of any other ways to create a harness with polygon modeling.
What other ways can I use to create a harness with polygon modeling?
Thank you for your time.
- Justin