[Maya 2015] Creating a correct UV mapping workflow (smoothing, retopology, reduce...
[Maya 2015] Creating a correct UV mapping workflow (smoothing, retopology, reduce...)
Hallo everybody,
After modelling, I meet some problem to dal a correct UV mapping, concerning some operation as retopology and reduce, that could be necessary (Often) di improve UV structure and texturing, as well.
Strarting with a high poly model, i think could be a good idea to proceed with this operations:
1 - smooth you mesh, wher is necessary for your shape;
2 - retopology (also via Mudbox, or Zbrush, or 3d Coat) to improve topology (even if you don't have to make any sculpting on you mesh);
3 - (optional) if you need a low poly model, proceed to Reduce mesh
4 - proceed with UV mapping.
What do you thing about it? Shortly, do you thing retopology a great operation to correct topology, BEFORE proceding to UV Mapping (even if you don't have to make any sculpting on you mesh..., of course)?
Many thnaks for a reply!