Issue With Snapping Vertex
I'm currently a student and using the student version of Maya 2015. I found in a lot of places that vertices could be attached/snapped from one object to another, but so far I've had no luck my first time using this option. I tried having the snap to points button enabled, having the two points selected, and dragging from one point to another with the middle mouse button. I also tried with the button off and just pressing down C. Absolutely nothing happens. I tried grouping everything, combining objects (after that didn't work either I undid that although they are still grouped). I tried attaching all groups at once, different points along the shoulder and the position on the torso it's to be attached to. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
It may have to do with the fact that, somewhere along the line, the arms and legs of the model were somehow turned into NURBs from polygons. How this happened, I don't know, but I turned the arms back into polygons, which explains why there are so many edges (I wasn't sure how to change them back to the more simple polygons I had). Also, the left arm turned dark when I turned them both back into polygons, but that was (I think...) fixed by using two sided lighting.
Any help would be appreciated. It would be great to know how I turned the polygon arms (which were cylinders, same with the legs and torso) into NURBs without realizing it too.