[Vray] - Basic material setup make sense?
Hey all,
I was wondering if the below material node tree made sense? I've been playing around with a way to develop basic materials (plastic, polyurethane) and this is what I have so far (Attached).
I used to draw a curve out for the fresnel, but Viscorbel suggests that 90% of materials have a fresnel of 1.5 and what really needs custom attention is the glossiness amount factor as it's more of a falloff gradient then just a single value.
For metals I'm going to still draw the Fresnel curve out for the K value (that dip in falloff towards the end of metal material). Any suggestions are welcome. I'm developing a material library right now and want to make sure I'm doing it "correctly" (or sensibly).
Thanks guys and gals.
Last edited by 9krausec; 25-09-2015 at 01:19 PM.