Multiple edges overlapping
Hey, I thought I figured out all those modelling problems by now. Apparently I havent. I'm creating a pattern for a snow-shoe (will bevel the edges and delete the faces that shouldn't be there). I've tried merging vertexes, exporting & importing, deleting faces. I've got nothing. It's so weird. Here are some printscreens:
^With this, I tried inverting the selection and deleting all, still didnt work.
Got any clues? I might find another way, to finish this, but it's just so weird to me. Merging vertexes should work shouldn't it? I've separated, but the operation won't go through. So I'm really clueless right here
Thanks in advance
- Skalman
I extruded without the keep faces together option on, combined and merged vertexes and it worked. Still I'm curious why this happened
Last edited by Skalman; 20-02-2016 at 10:20 PM.