Over the last couple of years UV layout in Maya has changed for the better. In this course we're going to be taking a look at some of those changes as we UV map an entire character
the tesselation of the wheels is not high enough. or if poly not smooth enough. and i think the image is a bit too big, i dont see it all at once. - try to limit the size to 1024x768 - or better 800x600.
using a real photo as background and make use of the use background shader will be a good start to improve. and then cam position. i would suggest you dont show off the week part of your model - the exhaust looks a bit boring. i would put the tank in forground. and for the tires more diffuse and less and softer highlight.
you seme to have a very bulky front end and a failrly plain back end. that would throw your ride way off balance especially in any turns, making you fishtail like mad. i guggest moving the gass tank downn a little. sloping it more with the frame and geting rid of the jesse james stle new rider.
Possibly extend the exhaust a little and add more detailes to the wheels. and the rear tire needs to be a little wider
I plan on modeling a bike soon.
AIM: SublimeDragon33
Catch me if i'm on. Always up for a chat.
e-mail: sublimedragon33@gmail.com
"When you are born, you have a resposiblilty to program you're own mind, if you do not accept this responsiblilty, then the world will do it for you"
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KOOL MAN!!! as a first piece of work, i should appreciate your work because i can clearly understand its a bike. when i came out with my first maya "art" and that was a frog. but nobody believed its a frog because it was so shapeless and weird. so i think u will be able to make better and better. just keep it up.u r doing just fine.
Hey, this is a really good model for a noob . One thing i would do.. like others have said.. is add some DOF... also, your shaders you have added would be better off maybe as something else. One thing too.. you may want to add a smooth to different parts of your model. Just small details could make a world of a difference . You see your exaustion pipe for example? If you put some kinda bevel in where the next pipe comes out of it.. it would look more realistic.. but when you just have it coming out of the polys, it looks like it is a model.. as nothing is that sharp. Im talking about some stuff thats not really easy to do.. but for a first project, really nice job.. i would personally continue on with another model, it is a great way to learn a LOT about maya and fast . Quick small models that contain challenging elements that are in and out within a week . When you get to big things you get a lot of repetition. Anyways, great first model!
One other thing, i see that your model looks pixelated.. are you sure your quality is on highest? I dont think it is.. as it does look a bit pixelated in areas . If thats the case, re - render it out and post again . Keep up the great work.
"I should call you sugar maple tree cause i'd totally tap that" haha
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