Revolve Scene
Okay i needed a break from all my other projects so i did this today:
I made a pen, that to this point is all Surfaces>Revolve tool. There is around 10 different parts to it and its quite complex(yes i took apart the pen and held the different pieces up to the screen). Then i decided, before i strayed from the lovely revolve tool, to make some other things for a scene. Except for the walls, table, and floor, EVERYTHING in this scene is %100 revolve modeled.
If anyone could think of some other things to add to the scene that are rotationaly symmetrical, let me know and i'll add them.
Crits Welcome!
"When you are born, you have a resposiblilty to program you're own mind, if you do not accept this responsiblilty, then the world will do it for you"
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Last edited by Vectorman; 01-08-2003 at 03:09 AM.